Please note that I'm not a complete bitch. If I write something that hurts your feelings and/or reputation, I'm likely to accede to your request to remove it if you approach me in good faith. Unless, of course, you act like a complete raving douchebag who threatens my family, my livelihood and my life.* Then I'm as likely as not to use the content of your correspondence as point-and-laugh material. And I will. Regardless of whether or not you tell me I don't have permission to do so. The simple act of e:Mailing me at my Hot Chicks address gives me permission to publish, whackadoos - so be careful what you write.
I can be reached at hotchicksdigsmartmen at comcast dot net. I will respond to correspondence promptly, and I'm very open to suggestions for content. However, I do not permit "guest posts" of any kind, nor will I link to your service, company, or personal essay unless it's my idea. Those are the rules, so please don't ask me to break them because you're a special snowflake and your writing/service/company/personal essay is the exception. It's not, and I won't respond to messages asking me to change my mind about it. This space is very personal to me, and I don't have the time or the inclination to share my little corner of the Internet with other contributors or promote your thing, whatever that thing happens to be.
I also love it when my readers comment, but please - don't be a jerk about it. This is my on-line home, and I expect people to behave here in the same way they would if they were visiting the Big Brown House. That means that if you attack me or one of my guests using anti-feminist, anti-LGBT, or racist language, you will be banned immediately and without recourse. I don't give a shit about cursing, differences of opinion, or what you think about me personally, but I won't allow bigotry in my home, on-line or otherwise. If you don't like it, you're welcome to buy your own URL, start a blog, and fill it with all the prejudicial language you want. I understand "" is available.
*True story. And the douchebag in question's sycophants still show up occasionally to try and make his case, apparently unaware that their hero is OUT OF HIS GOURD, MR. McNUTTYPANTS.