Basenji Blogging Friday - The Demilitarized Zone

Friday, May 30, 2014
Guess who's back? The Damn Squirrel™, that's who. She's been running amok in our backyard since we lost Boogie the Giant Schnauzer, and now it appears that The Damn Squirrel™ Yard War II has begun.

Because Jackson has no intention of allowing those impudent squirrels trespass on her territory.

She's taunting me. But I shall get her...someday.

2014 Flower Pr0n - Die, Winter, Die Edition

Sunday, May 25, 2014
A couple weeks ago, I left for San Diego on business. As usual, I stayed with The Mechanickys.

This was the weather in my backyard when I left Parker. I had to push 6" of snow off the Jeep before I could leave for the Airport.

Here was the weather in The Mechanicky's backyard.

Temperature difference: 61 degrees.

But I took some pictures of the fabulous flowers in the neighborhoods, which made me happy.

Basenji Blogging Friday - The Incredible Exploding Dog Edition

Friday, May 23, 2014
You know you love me. Because I'm cute.

In the evening, Miss Jackson has a propensity to want to lay right in front the couch. RIGHT IN FRONT of where I normally sit. This leaves very little room for things like my feet. And she's blowing her coat right now. And she insists that her body MUST BE TOUCHING the couch. Or the front of your legs.

So basically, there's hair all over the front of the couch. And most of my pants. And most of my pajamas. And my sweatshirts. And the carpet. And the floor. Basically, her coat is exploding all over the house, and all over us.

She's going to see a groomer on Monday, and we have (probably futile) hope that a good session with the Furminator will help get this under control.

Link Me Up, Scotty - Things that go BOOM Edition

Wednesday, May 21, 2014
A High School Sophomore in Texas (where else?) has been suspended for refusing to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance. His refusal is a matter of principle for him, and I hope he sticks to his guns. The law - in both spirit and substance - is on his side. Live without fear, young Mason.

Scientist Wendy Chung has some things to say about the causes and treatments she's researching as it relates to autism. And only about 60 seconds is dedicated to the trope that vaccines and autism are connected. Science. It works, bitches.

Steven Taylor over at Outside the Beltway takes on the historical illiteracy of those dumbass BLM protesters whose activities have gained traction due to the racist ramblings of that cretin Bundy. The sad part? They have no idea how stupid they are. None. At all.

Because if I'm going to cry, everybody's going to cry.

For the 1% of my readers who don't read "The Oatmeal," here's some advice to take on board. 


Video of the Week: The U.S. Navy's new projectile weapon, coming to a warship near you in 2016:

2014 Flower Pr0n - Foodie Edition

Sunday, May 18, 2014
So the Mechanicky Gal is a big ole hippie-dippy now, and is making inroads in growing her own food:

Some sort of squash thing that's fixing to grow a gourd.

The ever-present lemon.
And orange.

The prolific fig.

Eggplant. Why is this stuff purple?

Link Me Up, Scotty - Get in the Fucking Sack Edition

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Who stalks, harasses and threatens the man who holds the WBC Heavyweight Title? This genius, that's who, and gets taught a lesson in manners. After the genius threatened Deontay's daughter, the boxer decided to take it to the gym instead of killing this mental defective in an alley somewhere. I don't know if I would have had the same forbearance in similar circumstances, so good for Deontay. 

I love Cardboard Box Office. And I love the movie "NeverEnding Story." So how can the juxtaposition of the two be bad? It can't. Pure and simple.

What the fuck is wrong with Americans? The Nordic Countries want to know.

Video of the Week: An oldie but goody, Dara O'Briain discussing general quackery and why perpetrators of same need to "Get in the fucking sack."

Basenji Blogging Friday - Norman Bates Edition

Friday, May 9, 2014

Jackson stands guard to ensure Norman Bates has no chance of sneaking up on me during shower time. Such vigilance is required on a daily basis, because YOU NEVER KNOW.

Link Me Up, Scotty

Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Tennessee approved a plan to provide community college or certified technical college free to students who are qualified for admittance. I can't even imagine the long term value of this program to the State of Tennessee and its residents. Oh, wait. Yes I can. Post WWII GI Bill, anyone?

Random Michelle shares her thoughts on poverty and potential.Quoted for truth.


Fifteen reasons why shopping for women's clothes often resemble a trip to Dante's Inferno. 

President George H.W. Bush receives the 2014 Profiles in Courage Award from the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation for his decision to raise taxes in spite of a campaign promise not to do so. The "decision to put country above party and political prospects" probably resulted in him losing a second term. I always liked George Sr. 

Ten absurd right-wing Christian billboards. Presented without comment.

Video of the Week: Instead of telling women to "be more careful" and "not take risks," male actors and politicians address the real issue when it comes to sexual assault - the fact that the problem lies with the perpetrator and not the victim.

2014 Flower Pr0n - Spring is Arriving Edition

Sunday, May 4, 2014
Spring is making an effort to come to Colorado. This pleases me, wind notwithstanding. 

Ground cover for the descending tiers on the North side of the Big Yellow House

Bushes planted by the previous owner that have a plan for taking over the world.

Basenji Blogging Friday - Helpful Edition

Friday, May 2, 2014

Because nothing says "I'm a good dog" like helping with the laundry.

LInk Me Up, Scotty - A Day Late and Dollar Short Edition

Thursday, May 1, 2014
First class science writer Ed Yong talks about the influence of privilege and luck for successful people.

Republicans have blocked an increase in the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 an hour. Because apparently those lazy poor people don't need to buy food and pay for shelter.

Looks like the ENTIRE state of Wisconsin isn't in bed with Koch Industries. A federal judge has struck down Wisconsin's egregious voter ID laws. I'm quite sure there will be appeals for days, but for now - go, team.

My quasi-celebrity platonic boyfriend Eric Garland has a new essay up on the myths of America, and the dangers of embracing nihilism in lieu of striving toward a mythical ideal.

Video of the Week: The VFA-27 Cruise Video teaser, taken while embarked on the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON, CVN-73. Go, Navy.