Link Me Up, Scotty - Bad Behavior Edition

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
I've long thought Hobby Lobby was a wart on the ass of the United States. Now here's additional proof that their hypocrisy really has no limits. Camel, meet eye of needle.

H/T Sister NeuronDoc

Yes, yes, a thousand times "yes." I came to my Atheism in mid-life, and it took a while for me to come to terms with the agnostic portion of my disbelief. While I still have a huge stick up my ass when it comes to people's faith butting up against my empirical reality (*cough*young earth creationism*cough*), for the most part I don't really care much about what you believe. As long as your faith doesn't lead to bigotry or other forms of asshattery, we're all good.

A woman stabs her boyfriend to death because he threw her cat against a wall in a fit of anger. While I'm not condoning the murder of another human being, I find I'm oddly sympathetic to this women's feelings. Don't mess with Miss Jackson Pi.

H/T Tempest

The Justice Department is looking to prosecute the plutocrats who tanked the economy in 2008. Whatevs - I'll believe it when I see it.

H/T Paul

Colorado will have single payer health care on the ballot in 2016. I'm a fan of single payer healthcare as a general principle, although I haven't yet done the research on this specific proposal. However, Colorado is a purple state at best, and such rampant socialism will probably be a non-starter here.

Video of my Heart: British journalist Jonathon Pie has an outtake on the state of British Journalism and the "news."

Link Me Up, Scotty - Mind Yer Bidness Edition

Monday, October 26, 2015
Why is it so fucking hard for people to just mind their own damn business and quit trying to force their religious beliefs into the public sphere? Florida joins the ranks of states attempting to pass one of those ridiculous "religious liberty" laws. Angels and Ministers of Grace, defend us.

Climate change and hurricane strength. It's a complex system with many variables, but the evidence for a connection is very, very strong.

Apparently cheese is as addictive as drugs. I knew it!

Being the President of the United States isn't like being a CEO. And I'm sick to death of people assuming it is.

I love this idea, and not just because I come from a family with a tradition of military service. It's a question of honor, damnit - we should take care of our own.

H/T Brother Seth

Mechanics recreate Renaissance paintings for photographer. I really, really, like these.

H/T Debbie the Librarian

I'm against the death penalty for a number of reasons, and here's one more: It's an administrative nightmare, and the states that allow it have no comprehensive plan to resolve their issues.

Officials from Texas raid Planned Parenthood and demand the home addresses and salary information of their employees because reasons? Texas, your obsession with the uterus is legendary. And I don't mean that in a good way.

In case you thought we lived in a "post-racial world."

H/T Tempest

Video of my heart: Two of my favorite musical groups - The Piano Guys and The Hollens Family singing What Are Words. 


Conversations with Karma - Trey Gowdy Edition

Saturday, October 24, 2015
* ring, ring *

Trey Gowdy's Office: Hello, Trey  Gowdy's office, how can I help you?

Karma: Hello, I'd like to speak to the Representative, please. Hehe.

TGO: May I say who's calling?

K: Karma.

TGO: Karma who?

K: Why does everyone say that? Just tell him it's "Karma Chameleon" calling.

TGO: Isn't that a Culture Club song?

K: Just get him.

Trey Gowdy: Hello? What is this, some king of joke?

K: No joke, Congressman. This is Karma.

TG: I thought this was Boy George.

K: No, that was a joke. This is Karma. The Eastern idea that you will receive your punishment or reward for your deeds. You know...what comes around goes around, people get what they deserve? Karma.

TG: I don't like that sound of that.

K: Wise of you. I'm actually doing a favor for my friend Schadenfreude.

TG: What do you want?

K: Well, you know how you've been using the tragic death of the Benghazi Embassy staff as a partisan lever to try and bring down Hillary Clinton in her bid for the U.S. Presidency?

TG: I have no idea what you're talking about.

K: Of course you don't. Well, guess what, Trey Gowdy? Turns out those nasty liberals have discovered that you (gasp!) use your own e:mail server for your domain name. Hehe.

TG: So what? It's for personal use - my re-election, and personal e:mail.

K: Are you sure? Because really, at this point the Democrats have no reason to take your word for it.

TG: What do you mean?

K: I mean, you raging hypocrite, that even if your e:mail server is pure as the driven snow, that the Democrats will most certainly try and prove you used it for Congressional business. Which is why I'm making this little visit as a personal favor to my colleague Schadenfreude.

TG: But my server doesn't have anything to do with Hillary's! And she DID use hers for her State e:mails!

K: Yes, I know, and reset assured I'll be paying her a little visit in my own right over that debacle. But that's not really the point, is it? What comes around, goes around. You started a witch hunt, and now the torches and pitchforks are coming for you. I love my work.

TG: I need to call my attorney.

K: Good move.

* click *

Conversations with Karma - Martin Shkreli Edition

Friday, October 23, 2015
* ring, ring *

Martin Shkreli: Hello, Turing Pharmaceurticals, Martin here.

Karma: Hello, Martin. This is Karma.

MS: Karma? Karma who?

K: Karma. The Eastern idea that you will receive your punishment or reward for your deeds. You know...what comes around goes around, people get what they deserve? Karma.

MS: Oh, Karma! Yes, I'm familiar with that. I have excellent Karma. Otherwise I wouldn't be so darn rich!

K: I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. "Through the eye of a needle" and all that.

MS: Whatevs. I'm a busy dude - what do you want?

K: Well, remember back in August when you decided to acquire a drug called Daraprim® that's used to treat opportunistic, parasitic infections with people with compromised immune systems?

MS: Yeah! That was great. I raised the price from $13.50 a pill to $750 a pill. I didn't have a single R&D dollar invested in that shit, but I have to, you know, "make sound business decisions." I've decided to "invest" the profits from that little gem into a PRIVATE ISLAND. Hows' THAT for stimulating the local economy!

K: Hm, yes. I believe the quote was, "This isn’t the greedy drug company trying to gouge patients, it is us trying to stay in business. This is still one of the smallest pharmaceutical products in the world. It really doesn’t make sense to get any criticism for this.”

MS: And I was RIGHT. Those people whining about the price increase just don't know how to manage a business. Not like ME.

K: Except when you don't. 
MS: What is that supposed to mean?

K: Well, it turns out that a company called Imprimis Pharmaceuticals has decided to make available a customizable compounded formulation of pyrimethamine and leucovorin for physicians to consider prescribing for their patients as a low cost alternative to Daraprim®. The drug you bought. 

MS: So?

K: So, they're charging less than a dollar a pill. 

MS: WHAT? They can't do that!

K: They can. And they did. Because their CEO is an effin genius who understands that taking advantage of other company's greed for their own PR benefit is a sound business practice. 

MS: I'll sue!

K: Yeah, good luck with that. Everyone already thinks you're the biggest douche in the free world. Go ahead and sue a company for undercutting your business plan by manufacturing a generic version of your drug and see what that gets you. 

MS: This is unacceptable! And I'm not a douche!

K: Actually, you are. Why don't you console yourself by diving into a pile of your money a la Scrooge McDuck?

MS: You have no respect. I'm calling my attorney. 

K: You do that. I have to leave anyway - I have an appointment with that lying sack of shit Bibi Netanyahu. Can you believe he tried to blame the Holocaust on the Palestinians, and then got corrected by the Germans? I couldn't have set that up better myself. 

* click * 

Link Me Up, Scotty - Sweetums Edition

Thursday, October 22, 2015
I've been following Jack Bogle for a number of years, and following his investment advice, as well. I have an investment adviser over at Fidelity (an entitlement from my 401K), and it drives her nuts that I insist on Index Funds and none of those fancy-shmancy financial instruments with the high fees. Get off my lawn, investment advisers, I have JACK BOGLE on my side!

From the Bizarro-World files: Jewish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that a Muslim Cleric named Haj Amin al-Husseini was responsible for Hitler's decision to annihilate the Jews, and had to be corrected by the Germans. While history shows that al-Husseini was in fact a violent anti-Semite, I never, ever, thought I'd see the day when a Jewish leader would try to revise Holocaust history to demonize their enemy and feed their anti-Islam bigotry. Is nothing sacred?

P.S. Kudos to the Germans, who will not tolerate any revision of this part of their history, even to their benefit. 

Engineering for the ages. Humans, we amaze me.

H/T Judi

I really want to try one of these "Escape Room" outings. I just need to make sure I bring a bunch of really smart people with me. Like pretty much any of my friends.

You totally need to watch this. Right now.

Being a 15 year old girl is hard.These young women explain why.

Apparently Republicans lie more than Democrats. I find this amusing, because really - saying that Republicans lie "more" than Democrats is like saying that Jeffrey Dahmer was "worse" than Ted Bundy because he ate his victims.

When it comes to death by firearms, suicide, not homicide, claims more victims. So instead of being douchey to each other about this indisputable fact, suicide prevention professionals and gun enthusiasts here in Colorado have teamed up to try and reduce this horrifying statistic.

Video of my Heart: The Swedish Chef, rapping. I love the "look" on Sweetums' face at the beginning.

My grief is a seditious little terrorist

Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Sometimes I think my grief is a seditious little terrorist. I'll be going along, minding my own business, taking care of my physical and emotional health, and it will come up behind me like a guerrilla and cold-cock me, right in the heart.

The latest incident happened on Monday night, while I was sleeping. I had a dream where Moe did in fact die, but her brother was able to bring her back several years after her death. Imagine my joy in seeing my baby girl again, knowing that this time, I would be able to help her, I would be able to save her.

And imagine my heartbreak when I woke up and realized this will never be the case. She's gone, and nothing I or anyone else can do will ever bring her back, will ever help her, will ever save her.

I spent most of today feeling pretty shitty.

It's these types of incidents that crush me. I've learned to bear the day-to-day grief of not having Moe in my life, and knowing that I'll always have this hole in my heart. It still sucks, but most days I've learned to live with it. But every once in a while, grief attacks me from behind, and lays me low, with  no warning and no recourse. It's like being stabbed in the heart all over again, and it takes my breath away.

I don't think these incidents are indicative of my depression, or occur because I've stopped taking medication for it. I think they're part of my normal grief process, since they occurred even when I was still on meds. But they're more intense now that I'm not on meds anymore, and they still drain the life out of me.

I miss you, Moe-Moe.

Link Me Up, Scotty - Irony and Freedom Edition

I love Bernie Sanders, and here's a fine example of why. And I especially love how Martin Shkreli has become America's favorite Shitbird.

NPR highlights "The Richness of Poor Places" from NatGeo's annual photography contest. It behooves me to remember that the richness of life is not determined by the money in my bank account.

The government will soon require drone hobbyists to register their devices. There's a part of me that finds this deeply troubling, even while I can understand the rationale for doing so.

I respect Gloria Steinem. Her work in the area of feminism was seminal, and I appreciate all she's done. But I don't always agree with her, and especially about why liberal women don't necessarily like Hillary Clinton.

Video of my Heart: Neo-Nazis in Germany have their annual hate-fest walk re-purposed for charity. A charity that helps people leave the neo-Nazi movement. Irony, thy name is Wunsiedel, and I love you for it. 

Link Me Up, Scotty - Doing the Right Thing Edition

Monday, October 19, 2015

I color. A lot. Here's why. 


If you're a fan of Twitter and want some "snort coffee up your nose" moments, follow @manwhohasitall, where the typical inane career an family advice aimed at women is turned to the male work force with hilarious (and distressing) results.

H/T Sister Stacey

Turns out there's a lot we don't know about Ebola. Tenacious little fucker.

My brain is an asshole. But science can help me turn the tide of happiness.

Scalzi wields the clue-bat on the 1% and their therapists. From the article: "I am not necessarily comparing it to what people of color have to go through, but …"

Agog. I am agog at the tone-deafness and entitlement inherent in this simple statement.

I simply love this story of a community coming together to create sports garb for Muslim girls. This is how self-determination and independence begins - these young women are participating safely and comfortably in a "boys" activity while still satisfying the modesty norms of their religion and culture.

Again, feeding the hungry.

Video of my Heart: An ingenious mechanism to shame people into stop parking in disabled parking spots when they don't display the appropriate placard.

H/T the amazing NeuronDoc

Design of the Day: Mandala

Link Me Up, Scotty - Eating your own Young Edition

Friday, October 16, 2015
Reasonable, thinking Republicans are finally coming out to disavow the radical right. Thank Christ. I have no personal animus towards traditional Republicans, the ones described in David Brooks' column:
By traditional definitions, conservatism stands for intellectual humility, a belief in steady, incremental change, a preference for reform rather than revolution, a respect for hierarchy, precedence, balance and order, and a tone of voice that is prudent, measured and responsible. Conservatives of this disposition can be dull, but they know how to nurture and run institutions. They also see the nation as one organic whole. Citizens may fall into different classes and political factions, but they are still joined by chains of affection that command ultimate loyalty and love. 
I would (figuratively) kill for this type of loyal opposition. And I'm DEE-LIGHTED that members of this cadre are finally understanding what the Tea Party and libertarians are doing to the GOP.

The Democratic Republic of Congo has some of the baddest of the bad-ass rangers in the world. Park rangers, that is. And some of them are women.

H/T Brother Juan

I heart this response to some douchecanoe who left a surly note on the windshield of one of our country's disabled veterans because the guy didn't "look" handicapped. Before I post entries to the Wall of Shame, I check and double-check to ensure I haven't missed a placard or a license plate, because it's not up to me to determine who is eligible for disabled parking. And what the fuck does a handicapped person look like, anyway? Asshole.

Note to self: Pay more attention when out and about to add to Wall of Shame entries. 

An objective look at the current tensions in Israel. TL:DR: Nobody knows how to act over there. And in other news, water is wet.

So the Democrats had their first debate, and remarkably, it wasn't a poo-flinging shit-fest full of acrimony, racism and misogyny.

See, this is what I'm supposed to think of when I consider the Christian faith and its followers. Feed the hungry, Pastor Joyner, and go with God with my respect.

H/T Brother Vince

I don't have (or want) the education to appreciate fine art, but I thoroughly enjoyed these paintings of Disney princesses. 

I find this little bit of subversion highly entertaining and clever. "Homeland is a watermelon." ::snort::

Video of my Heart: Actress Connie Britton reveals the secret of her FABULOUS HAIR

My Contribution to Ada Lovelace Day

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Link Me Up, Scotty - Science, Grief and Music Edition

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Jon Ronson on the topic of public shaming. I consider this a nuanced issue. I have no use for outlets or people who publicly shame people for behavior that's none of their damn business. I'm a "small l" libertarian in that way - I don't give a good goddamn what people do in their private lives as long as everyone consents and they're not involving minors in their shenanigans. But public figures who derive their position and power from their moral superiority, and deride others who don't live as they dictate are typically fair game from my point of view. Mote, beam, eye, etc. You want to be a self-righteous douchebag about your moral high ground? Fine. Be prepared for a rough ride when it turns out you're a hypocrite. You want to be humble, a Fred Rogers-type helper? Fine. Be prepared for me to defend you in a "that's none of your beeswax" kind of way.

Meet 12 badass women scientists. I love this picture I love the diversity of the women represented there. Go, my sisters - DO SCIENCE TO IT.

The demons among us are our sons. Andrew Solomon, author of Far From the Tree has some interesting ideas about mass shootings, how the perpetrators fit into our society, and the aggression that drives this behavior. I kept meaning to pick up this book, but now it's on my wish list.

Stupid phrases for people in crisis. Many of these are faith-based, but it's sound advice when dealing with people without faith, as well. While people didn't say anything to me that necessitated me "punching them in the face with a knife" after Moe died, there were a number of faux-pas and now I'm trying to educate myself about what to do and say when others find themselves in deep pain.

H/T Sister Stacey

You will never, ever, ever be able to unsee this.

H/T Brother Nathan

I just finished The Martian by Andy Weir. Yes, it is as good as everyone claims. No, I haven't seen the movie. Based on my limited exposure to it, I suspect it will...irk me. But here's a neato-torpedo tool brought to you by NASA to follow our hero's journey over the face of Mars. Becasue NASA's the Bomb-Diggity.

H/T Brother Vince

Oh, good. The Koch Brothers are once again planting astroturf movements in our communities to help support and spread their immoral political agenda. The part I really don't get: Many of the people who follow this movement are doing so to their own detriment and the detriment of the people they love.

Sound advance for men who see women running in public spaces. It never ceases to amaze me how some men feel that women are on this earth only in relation to them. Ugh.

Video of the Week: Artist Amanda Cole sings Sam Smith's The Writing's on the Wall. This is an extremely gifted young woman, and worth watching.

On Self-Care and Being Furiously Happy

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Today I reached a milestone. After discussions with my doctor and the Smart Man, today is my first day of trying to manage my depression without medication since Moe died. I've been slowly coming off of my anti-depressant for the last month, and Sunday morning I took my last pill. I've been much more conscientious about my physical activity during the weaning, as that's a key component of my self-care, and I've also been trying to lay off the refined sugar to give myself a better chance.

While I fully recognize that I'm not the best judge of my own mental health, I think I'm doing okay. I've been slightly more weepy than normal, but since I'm pretty sentimental in any case, this isn't necessarily indicative. My work has been slightly more frustrating than normal, but lately I've been exposed to more Ebola-people* than normal, so I don't think that's necessarily indicative, either.

So Team Me will keep an eye on things, and we'll continue to reevaluate my mental state. If I need to go back on the anti-depressants I will, as I consider medication for mental illness to be no more remarkable than hyper-tension medications for high blood pressure. But like high blood pressure, if I can control the condition through life-style changes, that's my preference.

At the same time, I'm reading Jenny Lawson's Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things. In some ways, I'm finding this book incredibly triggering. Jenny Lawson's ability to share her experiences with mental illness gives me insight into what Moe might have been going through, and it breaks my heart in ways I can't even describe. However, it is a funny book, and the coping strategies (i.e., being furiously happy when he opportunity presents itself) provided by the author also gives me hope for those who still suffer Major Depression (like Moe) and Persistent Depressive Disorder (like me). Being mentally ill doesn't mean your life can't have meaning, and beauty, and happiness, and love. This perspective helps, although I can't help wishing Moe could have shared this perspective.

So I'll just keep on keeping on, supported by Team Me.

P.S. Thanks, Team Me. I can't do it without you.

*"Ebola-people" are colleagues that make me bleed out of my ears. These are usually sales people with a unique ability to mangle the English language, but the label is not exclusive. 

Link Me Up, Scotty - Indulgence and Social Problems Edition

Monday, October 12, 2015

From the "First World Problems" File: Amazon is out with its 100 best SF/F books to read in a lifetime. I've read 14 out of the top 20, and a good portion of the rest. I just never seem to have enough to read all that I want to consume.

A town in my home state puts a stake in the ground as it relates to land use and tiny houses. I don't think I could live with another person in a tiny house, but if the Smart Man ever gets hit by a bus, I would consider one. The issue of "where would I put my books" has been resolved with the advent of the digital library, so why not?

An Australian restaurant run entirely by refugee women, who prepare their native cuisine and learn to be economically self-sufficient. I can't tell you how much I love this idea.

 H/T Brother Juan

Quasi-celebrity platonic boyfriend Eric Garland has a modest proposal in regards to regulation not of guns, but of the gun industry. And it doesn't even involve eating our young!

For the wonkish among us, an article about sexual assault in the military and unlawful command influence. I spent years as a sexual assault victim advocate when I was on active duty, and there's a lot about the topic of military sexual assault that enrages me. I'm glad to see some scholarly work on the subject that encourages transparency in the treatment of this specific criminal behavior.

The more I learn about the Sikhs, the more I admire them.

H/T Brother Vince

Someone made this for me - wasn't that nice of them?

Link Me Up, Scotty - Rebels and Reprobates Edition

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Douglas County, Colorado peeps: We're seeking candidates for upcoming vacancies on the Douglas County Library Board of Trustees. If you or someone you know is interested in a volunteer gig that will allow you to participate in your local community in a non-partisan way, this may be the job for you. Spread the word!

From the "I don't think that word means what you think it means files: The creators of that cringe-inducing app "Peeple," where you get to review your friends and colleagues like they're a used car, is very upset because actual people think this shit is creepy as hell. Because apparently she's an "innovator," and is being "persecuted."

An interesting essay on the correlation between guns and political identity (and identity as a whole). I think this is directly on point, and makes the issue oh-so-much-more difficult to discuss dispassionately and rationally. If you see calls for reasonable gun control as a personal attack on you and your values, then it becomes very difficult to compromise, which is at the heart of a two-party republic. This analysis makes much more sense than the idea that every single person who favors reasonable gun control hates the Constitution and believes the 2nd Amendment is an outdated piece of crap, and every single person who opposes reasonable gun control is an ammo-humping militiaman with delusions of Rambo.

Meeting in the middle: No longer an American value.

California's Governor has signed a Right to Die Bill. I know this can be a moral conundrum for some people, and I respect their position. However, I will almost always come down on the side of self-determination.

A social experiment: A woman says "yes" (with restrictions) to men who approach her on the street for two weeks. I find the last story more than a little unsurprising.

Ohio state Senator Nina Turner is my new quasi-celebrity same-sex girlfriend. She's introduced legislation that would require men seeking a prescription for erectile dysfunction drugs to see a sex therapist, receive a cardiac stress test and "get a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency." Sex therapists would be required to present the option of "celibacy as a viable lifestyle choice." If you don't understand why this is wildly funny and absolutely appropriate, then you're part of the problem.

H/T Judi

The 2015 National Geographic Photo Contest is underway, and as usual, the entries are breathtaking. 

My chair is killing me. No shit. My Cubii is on its way, though, so there may be hope.

You know, I really don't give a rat's ass why the reprobate in Oregon was shooting those people. They're dead no matter what, their families have to deal with that, and my heart aches for them. But don't try to use these people's deaths as fuel for your "Christians are persecuted in the United States" nonsense. If anything the shooter hated organized religion, not Christianity. So blame the Atheists, if you must. We're used to it.

Ben Carson: The gift that keeps on giving when it comes to ridiculous statements. I've got news for you, you self-aggrandizing tool - you don't know what you'd do if you were faced with an armed gunman. No one does. You may act courageously, you may cower in fear. And I sincerely hope you never have to find out.

The dumbshits over at Westboro Baptist have been reduced to protesting....the National Weather Service. I swear I'm not making that up. But I like the new name they've given to the weather-guessers: Weather Reporting Rebels. 

 "With a rebel yell, I cried snow, snow, snow!"

H/T Keith

Link Me Up, Scotty - Six Point Harness Edition

Friday, October 2, 2015
Slate takes on myths about slavery in America, including the idea that the Irish were also slaves (they weren't), that slaves were better off than poor people in the North (they weren't), and that only a small percentage of Southerners owned slaves (the number is actually 32%). I cannot tell you how sick I am of slavery apologists. It happened. It was awful. It's a shame on our country. It was the reason the Southern states attempted to secede. And denying the facts around it makes things more shameful, not less.

A conservative think tank called the Tax Foundation has analyses on Trump's tax plan, and finds that the plan would add $11.98 Trillion to the national debt over ten years. I don't think that word means what you think it means.

14 things parents of mentally ill children want you to know. Yes.

The MacCarthur Foundation fellows have been announced, and they're a fine assortment of men and women from the worlds of the arts and sciences. Special shout out to Ta-Nehisi Coates, a journalist who always, always makes me think.

Semi-Celebrity Platonic Boyfriend Eric Garland weighs in on Life After Boehner. Buckle up, cupcakes - it's going to be a strange, strange election season around here.

Have you heard about the website where you get to rate other people like they were a business? Nothing like a business plan that brings out the worst in people. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG.

Editor's note: I don't have much to say about the latest campus shooting in Oregon. The massacre at Sandy Hook proved to me once and for all that things aren't going to change here in the United States as it relates to gun control, whackadoos having access to weapons, or gun culture. So I'm tired of arguing about it, and writing about it, and disagreeing with my friends and family about it. Because it's not going to change.

However, I will quote my friend David, a history professor, father and Smart Man:
Welcome to the United States. It has been "0" days since our last shooting massacre. That whirring sound you hear is the army of the stupid, the ammosexual, and the reality-challenged gearing up to call for more high-powered weaponry in the hands of people like themselves as a solution to the problem of high-powered weaponry in the hands of people like themselves. Watch your back.
 Laugh or cry, my peeps - reader's choice.