Link Me Up, Scotty - Rebels and Reprobates Edition

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Douglas County, Colorado peeps: We're seeking candidates for upcoming vacancies on the Douglas County Library Board of Trustees. If you or someone you know is interested in a volunteer gig that will allow you to participate in your local community in a non-partisan way, this may be the job for you. Spread the word!

From the "I don't think that word means what you think it means files: The creators of that cringe-inducing app "Peeple," where you get to review your friends and colleagues like they're a used car, is very upset because actual people think this shit is creepy as hell. Because apparently she's an "innovator," and is being "persecuted."

An interesting essay on the correlation between guns and political identity (and identity as a whole). I think this is directly on point, and makes the issue oh-so-much-more difficult to discuss dispassionately and rationally. If you see calls for reasonable gun control as a personal attack on you and your values, then it becomes very difficult to compromise, which is at the heart of a two-party republic. This analysis makes much more sense than the idea that every single person who favors reasonable gun control hates the Constitution and believes the 2nd Amendment is an outdated piece of crap, and every single person who opposes reasonable gun control is an ammo-humping militiaman with delusions of Rambo.

Meeting in the middle: No longer an American value.

California's Governor has signed a Right to Die Bill. I know this can be a moral conundrum for some people, and I respect their position. However, I will almost always come down on the side of self-determination.

A social experiment: A woman says "yes" (with restrictions) to men who approach her on the street for two weeks. I find the last story more than a little unsurprising.

Ohio state Senator Nina Turner is my new quasi-celebrity same-sex girlfriend. She's introduced legislation that would require men seeking a prescription for erectile dysfunction drugs to see a sex therapist, receive a cardiac stress test and "get a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency." Sex therapists would be required to present the option of "celibacy as a viable lifestyle choice." If you don't understand why this is wildly funny and absolutely appropriate, then you're part of the problem.

H/T Judi

The 2015 National Geographic Photo Contest is underway, and as usual, the entries are breathtaking. 

My chair is killing me. No shit. My Cubii is on its way, though, so there may be hope.

You know, I really don't give a rat's ass why the reprobate in Oregon was shooting those people. They're dead no matter what, their families have to deal with that, and my heart aches for them. But don't try to use these people's deaths as fuel for your "Christians are persecuted in the United States" nonsense. If anything the shooter hated organized religion, not Christianity. So blame the Atheists, if you must. We're used to it.

Ben Carson: The gift that keeps on giving when it comes to ridiculous statements. I've got news for you, you self-aggrandizing tool - you don't know what you'd do if you were faced with an armed gunman. No one does. You may act courageously, you may cower in fear. And I sincerely hope you never have to find out.

The dumbshits over at Westboro Baptist have been reduced to protesting....the National Weather Service. I swear I'm not making that up. But I like the new name they've given to the weather-guessers: Weather Reporting Rebels. 

 "With a rebel yell, I cried snow, snow, snow!"

H/T Keith


Random Michelle K said...

The Viagra prescription should require the permission of the man's spouse. If we're going to do the parallel thing the whole way.


mom in northern said...

Re: the whole gun issue. Spot on. I opened up a real can of worm by suggesting the NRA, along with the control freaks, both take a roll in finding a solution. It is "My way or the Highway!" It is just as upsetting how that particular virus has spread to other issues facing warming as an example, fill in the blank.