New research determines that competent employees are assigned more work. It also suggests that said employees don't like this dynamic one bit.
And in other news, water is wet.
For myownself, I have to admit that my attitudes about my performance have changed in the over 30 years I've been in the work force. I used to be a champion "go-getter," but have often found myself in a position where that attitude got me nothing but more work while the only additional reward was not being laid off. After over 30 years of this, having a rocket tied to my ass doesn't seem to have the return on investment it once did. Now I stick with competence and execution, and let the non-mission critical stuff take care of itself.
H/T everyone
David Jay's photography project Unknown Soldiers provides a look into the lives of severely injured soldiers. The photographer makes a good point - these people look the way they do, are injured the way they are - because of us. "Supporting our troops" doesn't mean shit if we can't even look upon what they've sacrificed in the name of their duty with admiration and respect.
I'm really, really trying to stay away from the 2016 Presidential election's political shenanigans for as long as I can, but Outside the Beltway's Doug Mataconis has some interesting things to say about how Republican primary candidate Mike Huckabee obviously isn't so all-fired fond of the Constitution as he'd like you to believe. I suspect that many politicians all along the political sprectrum aren't as fond as they make out. Especially when the outcome of the government working as designed threatens to slaughter their sacred cows.
Once again, the Girl Scouts of America proves how ahead of the curve they are when it comes to gender identity. The money quote:
"Inclusion of transgender girls is handled at a council level on a case by case basis, with the welfare and best interests of all members as a top priority," Archibald wrote in her blog post.
Brava.As for their critics? "Luckily, we don't serve our critics," she told CNN. "We are proud to serve all girls."
Seventy years after its disbandment, the U.S. Cavalry is making a comeback in the form of our Special Forces, who are finding that horses and mules have a lot to recommend them when it comes to the current demands of their mission.
H/T Kim
End of life care can be especially challenging for dying veterans and their families. It makes me furiously happy that at least one VA hospital is helping people manage this most difficult of times with grace and dignity.