Miscellaneous Monday

Monday, May 25, 2015

Go forth. Make money. Pay bills.

So I started a new job a week ago. I returned to a previous employer, basically doing the same job I did for them before, but for more money.

I've changed jobs three times in the last several years. I was with my current employer for 16 years before I resigned to explore other opportunities. I liked my next job, but Moe's death interfered with my ability to be effective, so I resigned and took a job that was less challenging. I settled in quickly there, and they gave me a way to pay my bills while I was working through that first year following Moe's death. But while I'm grateful for what they did for me during the Worst Year of my Life, I was ready to take on more challenging projects. So when my first employer after the Navy asked me to come back and was willing to pay for the privilege, I said "yes." Based on the current financial plan, we should have the Big Brown House paid off in time for me to retire, and I can live with that.

Two-by-Two, the Animal Crackers Went

I bought some animal crackers at the grocery store the other day.* I just picked a brand at random, but when I opened them to have some, I noticed their "special offer" included $3.00 off to a video in something called "VeggieTales." The title of this production was, "Noah's Ark: A Lesson in Trusting God."

I have to assume I'm not their target audience, since the first thing I thought was "Well, you can trust Him to drown everyone you know and care for." Somehow I don't think that was supposed to be the point of the story, at least from their point of view.

My Historical Crush

I'm currently rereading the Federalist Papers. The last time I read them was about ten years ago, for a college level civics class. I enjoyed them then, but now I'm reading them more slowly, basically one a day, which gives me more time to think about and internalize them.

And you know what? I totally have an historical crush on James Madison. Seriously - the dude had a towering intellect, and his commentary on factions (Paper #10) is nothing short of prescient.

Of course, now I'm even more convinced we've lost our way, so there's that.

Big Girl Furniture

The Smart Man and I went to Ethen Allen yesterday and ordered our new family room furniture. We stayed almost exactly on budget, and got some really nice pieces. I did have trepidation, though - paying considerably more for furniture than I did for my first vehicle makes me hyperventilate a little, in spite of the perspective brought by time and means. I'm going to be 50 this year. When do I actually start feeling like an adult?

*Don't judge me. Animal crackers are delicious. And fun!


Shawn Powers said...

"When do I start feeling like an adult?"

Gosh, I hope never!

Steve Buchheit said...

I hit 50 next year. Somedays I wonder who the hell that old man is in the mirror, 'cause it certainly ain't me.