Why this Weather is Making me Cranky - A Non-Comprehenisive-Whiny-Butt List

Saturday, May 23, 2015
It's been raining a lot here in the Denver-Metro area. It started the day after we moved in to the Big Brown House and hasn't let up for more than a day or two since. This turn of events is starting to make my teeth hurt, so here's a non-comprehensive-whiny-butt list of why the weather is making me cranky.

1. We have no landscaping. Due to the late snow and continuing rain, the landscaping guys are really behind, which means that our yard is a lovely quagmire of mud. And we have a dog who needs to go out several times each day to take care of her business.

Our current strategy is four times a day walks on the sidewalk that borders the common landscape in the main road of our development. Jackson loves this, as she enjoys the outings. But she is a pokey-pottier. She will walk for as long as you let her without peeing. Obviously we have nothing to do with our time except take her out for four-times-daily constitutionals.

2. It's cold.I'm having to wear a fairly substantial coat when we go on Jax' walks. That's not that big a deal, actually, except I really don't like to run in the cold/rain. And since we're no longer 5 minutes away from gym, my cardio schedule is fucked. The plan was to run outside this summer, and then buy a treadmill as Fall rolled around.

This plan is not currently working. And we all know what happens to my state of mind when I don't get vigorous cardio exercise at least three days a week. I will probably have to start getting up earlier and getting to the gym until the skies clear.

3. Sunshine helps with my depression. For me, the best part of Spring is my ability to start exercising outside. We haven't seen the sun regularly in weeks.

These things are making me a bit short-tempered and emotionally out-of-control, which I hate.

C'mon, sun. I miss you.