Free Shit Friday - Variety Pack, Part Whatever

Friday, November 29, 2013

I have six jars of jam left from the Great Purge, since four of them gave up their lives for yesterday's Thanksgiving meal.

The remaining choices are:

- Raspberry Jalapeño
- Blueberry Lemonade
- Strawberry

Say which two you want in the comments, and hope for the best. 

The winner of last week's give-away is NeuronDoc with a random number of 2. Enjoy!

A Month of Gratitude

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Today is Thanksgiving Day here in the United States.

Today is a day that's traditionally given over to turkey, stuffing, pie and other overindulges. And it's a time to give thanks for the things in our life for which we're grateful. And traditionally, I've taken the first full week of December and used it to write blog entries expressing my gratitude for the things in my life that make me happy. I've called it the Week of Gratitude, and I've always loved this exercise, as it provides me with perspective, and a way to let the people who have touched me the most how they've influenced me. It reminds me how lucky I am, and how much I love my life.

But this year…the last twelve months have been the absolute worst time of my life. There are very few things I can imagine that would have made it worse. And that’s why this year I’ve decided to extend my Week of Gratitude to a Month of Gratitude. For the month of December, I’ll find something each day to be grateful for. I’ll think about that gratitude, and make sure that the people who have made a difference in my life understand and are aware of their influence.

The reason I’m doubling down on this is somewhat hard to explain. I think, as my friend Jeri notes, that it has to do with finding a balance between integrating the memory and loss of my daughter into the fabric of my life, while resisting the urge to identify myself by that loss.

I recognize that I'll never be the same person I was before. My grief will remain with me, and will help to shape my life and my identity. As my friend Rivi explained, I'll never get over it, but I can get on with it. I'm trying to get on with it, and be defined by my gratitude, and my love.

Link Me Up, Scotty - Poverty, Joy and Service Edition

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
You may recall that I have a platonic crush on Admiral Mike Mullen, USN (Ret), the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because he was the bomb-diggity when it came to repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Well, in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, he wrote an opinion column for the Washington Post entitled, At Gettysburg and today, no one who dies in service dies in vain. Required reading, shippies.

The Atlantic on why poor people seem to make bad decisions on everything from school to finances. There's real insight in this research, as demonstrated by this fascinating commentary by a actual poor person trying to make ends meet.


Eric Garland proves once again why he's my semi-celebrity platonic boyfriend with this essay on why he doesn't want anyone to buy him Christmas presents - ever. Word.


Video of the Week: I love Beethoven's Ode to Joy, and I love flash mobs. Here's both of those things in one grin-inducing package, retrieved from the archives because I needed a pick-me-up:

Six things you may not know about me

Monday, November 25, 2013
So there's a Facebook meme going around where you're supposed to tell everyone some number of things that they don't already know about you. I've been resisting, because I'm not really sure my entire life isn't already out there in the ether, and I'm entirely unsure what else could be said without going into territory that could only be described as unseemly.

However, I've been bereft of topics to blog about lately, so in a classic move used by victims of writer's block the world over, I'm totally going to be derivative and trite by co-opting this meme for my own purposes.

Six things you may not know about me

1. I used to be an expert with a bullwhip. While I haven't practiced in years, I still own one, and I suspect I could refresh my skills in pretty short order.

2. I was selected to Chief Petty Officer during my eighth year in the U.S. Navy.

3. I was well into my forties before I recognized that my aversion to math was some sort of self-and-society induced fear. Math is beautiful, and I'm good at it.

4. After going to college off and on since 1985, I have 185 credits and no degree. In that time, I've gotten one "B," in Microbiology from the University of Hawai'i Mānoa.

5. I was recently selected to serve as a trustee on the Douglas County Library Board. I suspect I'll be assigned to the technology committee with all due haste, since professional technologists seldom want to volunteer in the field where they work. I don't mind, though. I love the library, my entire family loves the library, and I want to help them succeed. 

6. When I was a youngster, I often played with toys that were marketed to boys, such as that classic favorite, Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robots. This was barely socially acceptable, but my parents always supported my choices.

There's One in Every State

Saturday, November 23, 2013

You know, there's one in every state. Oftentimes, there's more than one. And at this moment, Colorado's "one" is raving douchecanoe Gordon "Chaps" Klingenschmitt, who is running for Colorado's General Assembly in, where else, Colorado Springs.

He's currently some sort of religious leader here in my fine state. And by "leader" I mean "homophobic, delusional lunatic who has completely lost his grip on reality." Don't believe me? He thinks the Affordable Care Act causes cancer.. And believes Supreme Court Justice Kennedy thinks Jesus is evil. And that the President is ruled by demons. And that demonic spirits inhabit track meet officials, transgendered professors and Madonna. And that gay people should be discriminated against. And that he can exorcise the gay right out of people. And that transgendered girls are visually "raping" other girls by using the female locker room in schools.

From a historical perspective, he graduated from the Air Force Academy, and subsequently served in the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps. YOU CANNOT IMAGINE HOW MUCH THIS EMBARRASSES ME. REALLY, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. However, he was court-martialed for protesting outside the White House in his uniform, so at least someone was on the ball, even though ole "Chaps" claimed to be persecuted because of his Christian beliefs.*

The trope of Christians in the United States being "persecuted" for their beliefs really chaps** my ass (pun intended). Their so-called persecution is usually a simple matter of them being forced to give up their unearned privilege, rather than actually having their liberty, safety or lives threatened. Not. The. Same. Thing. Plus there's the whole majority versus minority issue.

I can only hope that the fine voters of Colorado Springs look at this dude, hold their nose, and vote for the other guy.

*This is some seriously stupid shit, y'all. When you take the oath, you accept that there will be certain limitations on your right to free speech for as long as you wear the uniform. These limitations apply to everyone, and failing to abide by them - as you swore to do - means you violated your oath. There may be occasions where a person might choose to disobey orders as a matter of conscience. But it's bad form to whine like a little bitch when you're held accountable for doing so.

**Am I the only one who's puerile enough to look at this guy's nickname ("Dr. Chaps") and immediately visualize him actually wearing leather chaps with nothing underneath like you see so often in gay pride parades? Try getting THAT picture out of your mind. Hee.

Free Shit Friday - The Purge Continues

Friday, November 22, 2013
Dudes! I still have a case of jam left, so we're going to continue the purge until I thin some of this out.

This giveaway is for TWO jars of jam, mostly because I have some boxes that will only take two jars and I want to get rid of them.

Flavor choices:

* Peach Ginger
* Triple Berry
* Blueberry Lemonade
* Raspberry Jalapeño
* Strawberry

Put your preferences in the comments. 

The winner of last week's variety pack is Vince, with a random number of 13. Enjoy!

Link Me Up, Scotty -

Wednesday, November 20, 2013
A history of nurses who serve during wartime, in handy chart form. Nurses rawk.

The Atlantic has some early entries from the annual National Geographic Photo Contest. My personal favorite: Fight.

Terry Gross over at Fresh Air interviewed Allie Brosh, author of Hyperbole and a Half about her on-line presence, her new book, her crippling depression and her consideration of suicide. This interview was extremely painful for me. Allie described her state of mind at the worst time of her life, and the conjunction of her descriptions and the communications Moe left for us hit me like a punch in the gut.

Video of the Week: Thug Notes with summary and analysis of the Bard's Macbeth. Because the classics matter, yo.

Miscellaneous Monday

Monday, November 18, 2013

Time to get busy

Today is my first day of work at my new gig. I already have several appointments and opportunities on my plate and a conference on my calendar, with more to follow, as well as the normal administrivia that's required for any new job. I'm optimistic and reasonably enthusiastic, and looking forward to digging in. Go, me.

She ain't heavy, she's my sister

I returned from San Diego on Thursday where I was visiting Sister from Another Mister The Mechanicky Gal and her beau, The Mechanicky Guy. I had a wonderful time as always, and it reminded me how very important my friendships are to me, and how much I loves me my sistas. Even if they do make me repeatedly climb the The Hill of Doom™ in the name of health and fitness.

And in other news, I have a fabulous new Michael Kors satchel!

How I am


Not "well," not "over it," Not ready to "move on." Really, I'm not even close to working through my feelings about Moe's death and how I want this seminal event to shape the rest of my life. But...better. I think about Moe a lot, each and every day, but the thoughts aren't always grief-stricken - sometimes they're a thought about, "she would have loved this" when I'm in a store. Sometimes they're a thought about social justice, and how she would have been so pleased about the progress of the LGBT community, had she lived. And sometimes it still hits me like a punch in the gut, and I want to scream with grief and despair. But the former is happening a bit more often, and the latter is happening a bit less often.

I think that's the best I can hope for right now.

Free Shit Friday - Variety Pack, Continued

Friday, November 15, 2013
This week's Free Shit Friday offer is another three-pack of my on-hand jams. The choices this time are the same as last week's:

* Peach Ginger
* Triple Berry
* Blueberry Lemonade
* Raspberry Jalapeño
* Strawberry

Same deal applies - if you want some jam, comment with the flavors you desire, and you might just win. Or you might be crushingly disappointed with your lack of homemade jammy goodness. Because, fate.

da Rules.  

The winner of last week's three-pack is my old Shippie Matt, who selected Peach Ginger, Triple Berry, and Blueberry Lemonade, with a random number of 12. Matt, I don't think I have your current snail mail - send it forthwith.

Miscellaneous Monday - Drain on Society Edition

Monday, November 11, 2013

I'm a Drain on Society

So my last day at work in the Military Industrial Complex was Thursday. Since then I've been officially unemployed, and am sliding toward my new status as a drain on society. Unfortunately I don't seem to be very good at it, since I've been spending my time on new-gig related calls, exercise, homework, and visiting with friends and family. Clearly I need some instruction from a radical right-wing populist on the wonders of welfare chauvinism to ensure my performance in this area is up to par moving forward.

It also means things are going to be quiet around here while I'm off destroying the fabric of family life and participating in general debauchery on my MASSIVE WELFARE CHECK*. Just kidding - I'll actually be in San Diego with Sister-from-another-Mister The Mechanicky Gal, where we'll spend my MASSIVE WELFARE CHECK* on spa treatments and outlet store shopping.

Snorting with Derision

This semester I'm being forced to take an upper level English composition class entitled, "Effective Communication: Research and Writing." Because evidently the two already completed upper division classes on this very topic were substandard and couldn't be accepted at my current University. As Sista Stacey notes, I obviously need to take this class ONE MORE TIME, because my writing sucketh.

So I read the syllabus and completed my first week's assignment, and I have to tell you - really? While I understand that many adult learners lack skills in basic writing skills, I would not consider the curriculum to be "upper division." More like, "lower division remedial." I suspect I'll be snoozing through this one, while the University laughs all the way to the bank.

My Platonic Boyfriend

My platonic boyfriend Eric Garland cracked me up with additional advice for the GOP on stopping their death spiral of irrelevance, bigotry and cognitive dissonance. The money quote: "Every year you are campaigning against the gay butt sex, you will lose more voters." Progress by attrition - it's not just for family dynasties anymore.

*Not actually a true statement.

Free Shit Friday - Variety Pack Edition

Friday, November 8, 2013
I seem to have a few jars of jam on hand.

Today's Free Shit Friday is an attempt on my part to thin out the stores of home-made jam around here. So I'm giving away a three pack of jams, in the flavors of the winner's choice, from the following options:

* Peach Ginger
* Triple Berry
* Blueberry Lemonade
* Raspberry Jalapeño
* Strawberry

If you want to enter, please note the varieties you want me to include in your pack.

da Rules.  

The winner of the Blueberry Lemonade Jam is - CGL - with a random number of 15. Enjoy!

Miscellaneous Monday

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Doctor

The Smart Man was out of town last weekend, so I was on my own here at the Big Yellow House. This is an unusual turn of events, as I'm usually the one who's running all over the country while he holds down the fort.

I had plans with the Incomparable Anne™ on Saturday afternoon/evening, but I also decided to get caught up on Doctor Who. I watched nineteen episodes in three days, and I'm still not caught up. I'll probably finish Season 6 just as Season 7 becomes available on Netflix. Because that's just how I roll.

Let's Roll

Thursday is my last day at the Military Industrial Complex. My new employer is very excited to have me coming on board, which is flattering, and I'm looking forward to moving on.

That doesn't mean, however, that I'm not also looking forward to my week off between gigs, which I'll spend in San Diego with Sister from Another Mister The Mechanicky Gal. I'm sure we'll be getting into all kinds of trouble. Note to self: Make sure The Mechanicky Guy has sufficient funds for bail just in case.

My Brain is still an Asshole

Today is Day One of my re-commitment to health and fitness, and after an hour and twenty minutes on the elliptical this morning, I'm reminded that my recent lack of motivation in the fitness area is my asshole brain betraying me again. I always feel so much better after workouts that last over an hour, but the last month I've been finding EVERY EXCUSE to do less, or not to do at all. Chop, chop, asshole brain, or I'll trade you in on a new model.

Free Shit Friday - Blueberry Lemonade Jam

Friday, November 1, 2013

Today's Free Shit Friday offering is a pint of Blueberry Lemonade Jam. I think I might have gotten a little carried away with the lemon rind this time, so we'll be doing a "buyer beware" warning on this one.

da Rules.

The winner of the Raspberry Jalapeño Jam is Juan, with a random number of 8.