Free Shit Friday - Variety Pack, Continued

Friday, November 15, 2013
This week's Free Shit Friday offer is another three-pack of my on-hand jams. The choices this time are the same as last week's:

* Peach Ginger
* Triple Berry
* Blueberry Lemonade
* Raspberry Jalapeño
* Strawberry

Same deal applies - if you want some jam, comment with the flavors you desire, and you might just win. Or you might be crushingly disappointed with your lack of homemade jammy goodness. Because, fate.

da Rules.  

The winner of last week's three-pack is my old Shippie Matt, who selected Peach Ginger, Triple Berry, and Blueberry Lemonade, with a random number of 12. Matt, I don't think I have your current snail mail - send it forthwith.


Stacey said...

Congrats Matt! I am forever hopeful! * Peach Ginger
* Blueberry Lemonade * Raspberry Jalapeño

Matt said...

Whoo-Hoo!! Yay me! Whoopee! Thanks, shppie, just texted my address. You rock!

Megan said...

I can't win if I don't enter, right? :)

Peach Ginger
Triple Berry

NPIntensivist said...

Ditto Megan
Peach ginger
Triple berry

Laur said...

Friday is a good day so why not jump in to the jam party? The Blueberry Lemonade was awesome before so that one, and triple berry and strawberry. Thanks and hurray for whomever wins this week!

vince said...

We be jammin', mon.

Peach Ginger
Triple Berry
Blueberry Lemonade

Carol Elaine said...

Let's try this again!

Peach Ginger
Blueberry Lemonade

*crosses fingers*

Beatrice Desper said...

Me, too, I'm trying again. Same flavors as last week.

MAW said...

love this!
Peach Ginger
Triple Berry

Shawn Powers said...

Ok, I love that there's a round 2. :)

Peach Ginger
Blueberry Lemonade

I know that's only two, but maybe if I win for two, it means ANOTHER ROUND. :D

Janiece said...

NeuronDoc wants to enter, as well, but hasn't figured out that using the mobile page view on blogger prevents commenting.

Because you must use the normal page view to comment on blogger. :-)

Phiala said...

I finished my LAST JAR of Janiece jam this weekend (on home-baked bread, of course) so it must be time to join the competition.

Triple Berry, to replace the now-empty jar
Peach Ginger, because yum
Raspberry jalapeno, because kicky yum

Beatrice Desper said...

ditto Megan
peach ginger

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