Dog Day Afternoon
The Smart Man and I are finally ready to get the ball rolling in terms of our getting another dog. Boogie's been gone since Thanksgiving 2012, and while I suspect we would have been ready sooner if Moe hadn't died, we miss having a dog, and feel we're ready to take on the time commitment of raising and training another pup. We're investigating breeders now, and believe we may have a pup by early Fall.
His name shall be "Milo," and he shall be a good, good boy. And handsome. That, too. |
Whole Foods
As I noted last week, I'm working hard to try and get my depression under control. One of the things I'm doing is trying to eliminate refined sugar and white flour from my diet, while simultaneously increasing "whole foods," as I've read some journal articles that lend credence to the idea that depressive minds do not do well with these types of foods. So no dessert for me, not even Weight Watchers or other low-cal options*, and I've incorporated some whole food smoothie recipes into my daily meal plans, as well. So far this seems to be working in terms of my daily mood, so I'm going to stick with it for a while and see what happens.
Side note: I don't want to turn into one of
those people - you know, the ones whose conversation is "all food, all health, all the time," but my current drive toward better mental and physical health is taking up a considerable portion of my mental and physical energy at the moment. You have my permission to smack me a good one if I start acting all self-righteous and smug about it, though. Because I would TOTALLY DESERVE IT.
The Nature of the Manipulator
I read something on
Captain Awkward this morning that really resonated with me: "Manipulators want to isolate you so that the only voice you listen to is theirs."
Oh, my, YES. There have been any number of people with whom I've had relationships who have fallen in with a manipulator who used this tactic to isolate and then control their victim. And I'm of two minds about this.
There's a part of me that believes that this type of controlling, isolating behavior is a form of emotional abuse, and that the person being manipulated needs help and compassion, not judgement.
And yet I'm honest enough with myself to also admit I believe that those who fall into this trap and thus fail to see reality (or the other party in the relationship) clearly are
also culpable when their outside relationships fall apart and they find themselves isolated and alone. Because let's face it - if the Smart Man tried to force me to give up my familial relationships through lies and manipulation, there's a very good chance he'd find himself on the wrong side of the door with my fist-print in his throat.
And then I feel guilty because I know I'm indulging in victim blaming to a certain extent, as well as having a failure of compassion.
And then I feel like I'm letting people off the hook, because I believe in self-determination, agency, and choosing your own outcomes in your life.
Stupid moral dilemmas.
*I have started using Noosa as a special dessert-like treat in lieu of traditional options. While the caloric and fat density on those things is really high, it also contains pretty decent ingredients compared to other choices.