It's now been two weeks since the white people in this country elected Trump to the highest office in the land, and I'm starting to get a handle on my feelings. The vitriol is slowly fading. I no longer want to punch Trump supporters in the head (at least not all of them). And I have a better handle on why this election outcome has affected me so negatively.
For me, the bottom line is this. The main reason I am still so personally upset by this election has to do with my understanding of what America is, and the progress we've made toward our ideals.
In my pre-election world, America was a place where character mattered. It was a place where "most" people could understand why a bully, a racist, a bigot, a misogynist, an incompetent, a white nationalist, is simply
not the best choice to lead our nation. After President Obama was elected, I thought that while racism was still very much a problem in this country, we had turned a corner in our cultural history. I thought that Trump's honesty in telling America who he was by word and deed was sufficient to deny him the highest office in the land. I thought I lived in a world where America honored their veterans, regardless of race, religion, or the national origin of their families.
The reason I'm so upset is because I was so very, very wrong.
We do
not live in that America. We do not live in a country where the self-admitted character flaws of an unqualified candidate is sufficient to keep him out of office. We do not live in an America where the majority would dismiss a white nationalist out of hand because we valued our fellow citizens and neighbors, even though they're not the same color as us, or don't worship like us, or don't talk like us. We do not live in a country who values courage in the face of adversity. We've proven by our actions that we do not value compassion, service, egalitarianism, and competence.
No, we don't live in that America, if we ever did.*
We live in a country where the ethnic majority elected someone who is, without question, a bully, a racist, a bigot, a misogynist, an incompetent, and a white nationalist as the leader we want to represent us to the world.
I just cannot wrap my head around this. How is this okay? Do the majority of white people really think this is the best we have to offer to the world, to ourselves? Does this
truly represent the way most white people think about our country? Do they believe these are the values that most closely align with who we are and who we want to be?
This is the reason I'm so upset, so heartbroken, so
angry about our election result. Because I thought I lived in one America, and it turns out I don't. I live in an America who has forsaken our ideals. I live in an America who has disrespected my service by betraying our national character. And that makes me sadder than I can say.
*I know every single person of color who is reading this is thinking, "No shit, you privileged, oblivious white girl." And they are so, so right. In spite of my efforts, I'm still very much a product of my environment, with much to learn about the experiences of my countrymen and women who are not like me. A work in progress, y'all.