Why Sesame Street finally allowed other cast members to "see" Mr. Snuffleupagus, instead of just Big Bird.
Outside the Beltway points out why losing graciously is such an important part of our political process here in the United States, and why Hillary's decision to do so makes her a more dedicated public servant that Trump could ever be. The money quote:
Clinton’s followers may take consolation that Hillary Clinton was the only major-party candidate in the 2016 election sufficiently devoted to her country to honor the electoral system, win or lose. She was the only candidate who consistently held to the essential belief that democracy only works when vying candidates hold democratic elections to be more important than their ambition or ideology. By her words and example in defeat she reaffirmed, and strengthened, the American way. Let us then be grateful for gracious losers, for our losers no less than our winners carry forward the American experiment in self-rule.________
Author Barbara Kingsolver on our obligations as citizens and human beings during a Trump presidency. Let us not grow weary, indeed.
Some suggestions on how to protest the alt right/white nationalists/actual nazis post election season. Stay strong and active, my brothers and sisters.
Words can be, as my friend Kathy puts it, "bullets for the soul." I wish I had learned this lesson earlier in my life.
Why do the whackadoos always feel they have the skills and expertise to represent themselves when their heinous acts bring them to trial? I don't approve of the death penalty as a matter of principle, but if the state is going to charge someone with a capital crime, then I don't think self-representation should be an option.
The doucheweasel who is now Internet Famous for his 45 second President Cheeto rant aboard a Delta flight is now banned from flying Delta for the rest of his life. WTF, Delta? As much as I would like to smack the doucheweasel in the head with the Shovel of Doom™, he didn't do anything illegal, and quieted down once the flight attendant told him to STFU. This is the kind of shit that makes conservatives think liberals are big ole crybabies. He was offensive. So what? Lots of people offend me on airplanes with their shitty behaviors, but I don't think people should be banned for them.
Video of my Heart: How a Bookmobile saved the life and future of a young migrant worker. For me, this is the primary purpose of a library - to give hope, to inspire, to teach, to encourage people with limited options.
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