And one of the things I've come to realize is that being a snob doesn't necessarily make me a supercilious bitch (although it doesn't exclude it, either). There are times when looking down my nose at certain elements of humanity is absolutely the right thing to do, and is justified by their behavior.
These are some things about which I'm snobbish. If you indulge in them, it's very likely that I will, in fact, think I'm better than you. And there's a very good chance I can defend that position effectively, too.
- You think your limited experience is indicative of all the world has to offer. The world is a big place. If you open your mind to the wonders and people therein, you might see that while your little corner may be fabulous, it's not the whole damn world, you hick.
- You think ignorance is bliss. Choosing not to be informed about the things and events that directly affect your life is just fucking stupid. Seriously - read a book, newspaper or magazine, why don't you.
- You allow cognitive dissonance to control your opinions, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. Seriously. If this is the road you're going to choose, then just be honest about it, stick your fingers in your ears and start singing LALALA. Because it's exactly the same thing.
- General white trash behavior will definitely make me turn my nose up. Sleeping with your sister's husband. Hitting on your wife's sister. Putting sugared soda in your toddler's bottle. Do I need to go on?
- If you serve your self-interest to the detriment of every other factor in your life, then guess what? You're probably amoral, possibly a sociopath.
- You use your tribalism to excuse your cheating, lying and hurting others, because after all, the injured party isn't your friend/family member/race/creed/gender. Plus, the lying, cheating and hurting get you what you want, so there's that.
- You'll do anything to ensure you're the center of attention, whether that attention is good or bad, and even if your manipulations ensure damage to others. In some circles, this is called being "high maintenance." I call it being a "selfish bitch."
- You expect others to keep your secrets, even if doing so is damaging to them and their relationships.
- You reward generosity in others with betrayal. After you get what you want, of course.
- You see others only for what you can get from them, for what you can use them for, and for how they can serve your emotional needs.
But I sleep with my sister's husband's brother's nephew's college roommate in secret, not to be the center of attention, so that's ok, right? ;)
Janiece, once again, you articulate why we're sisters from another mother.
And thus endeth the daily lesson.
Dr. Phil
Sometimes I wonder what particulars precipitated these lists, then I decide that I really rather not know. In this situation I stand by a justifiable case of "ignorance is bliss." ;)
Instead, I will send a virtual hug to my favorite Justifiable Snob (aka Woman with Standards). :)
Once more, I am floored by your candor. And you had me at the limited-experience people.
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