Ask Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men, Edition the Twelfth

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Today's response ends this series of "Ask Hot Chicks Dig Smart Mean." I've enjoyed answering your questions, and I want to thank everyone that participated.

Today's question comes from new commenter yintan, who asks,
What would you NEVER EVER do for money? Even if it were millions?

This question has been preying on my mind. I think the only thing I'd never do for money, even millions, is kill someone. Being an assassin (killing strangers for pay) or killing people you know for gain is just not something I can ever envision myself doing for any reason. That's not to say that I can't envision myself taking someone else's life - as a member of the Armed Forces, this was something I gave a great deal of thought to, and reconciled within the context of my own morality. And there are other circumstances where I might find such an act moral and just - protecting my own life and the lives of those I love against an aggressor, for example, even though the event would probably result in the collapse of my psyche. But for money? Um, no. I just can't see it.

After that biggie, my imagination, being both horrific and prolific, provides all sorts of hideous examples where I might compromise my moral code for money. After all, NEVER EVER is a long, long time, and I have no way of knowing what circumstances I might find myself in. I can't imagine my physically hurting others for money, for example, but if doing so was required to save the life of someone I loved, would I answer the same way? I can't imagine conning innocents out of their life savings, but if doing so would pay for life-saving treatment for one of my kids? Who knows how I'd react in such a scenario? I can think of many HIGHLY IMPROBABLE AND HORRIFYING CIRCUMSTANCES just like that, which makes me hesitate to add to that list.

I'd like to think that I would do the right thing if I was faced with a moral conundrum involving money. I'm fairly confident that I'd never compromise my moral code for personal gain, i.e., do wrong by someone to line my own pockets. Greed really isn't something that motivates me as a general rule (says the privileged upper-middle class white girl), but maintaining the health and well-being of those I care for is a different matter.

Thanks for your question, yintan, and I'll put it to the peanut gallery, as well - what would you NEVER EVER do for money? Even if it were millions?


Nathan said...


If the question is changed to "What would you NEVER EVER do for shoes? Even if they were Fluevogs?"...does that loosen your moral code at all?


Janiece said...

Nathan, you can be replaced. With a dancing monkey.

Jeri said...

Harm or betray my children.

Fluevogs? Hmmm. How many?

WendyB_09 said...

Wait, I thought Nathan was a dancing monkey...