Free Shit Friday - Large Coach Bag

Friday, July 1, 2011
Today's Free Shit Friday offering is a large Coach bag.* And I do mean BIG. It's fourteen inches wide, six inches deep, and ten inches tall. I like this bag, and it's in good shape, but the thing with large bags and me is that it's sort of like a Field of Dreams dynamic - if the bag has space, the junk will come. I will fill it up until the damn thing weighs in at 30 pounds, which is not conducive to the health of my back. I used to carry a hammer in my purse, if that's any indication.

So off it will go, into the Ether, to find a home where someone will love it and hug it, and pet it, and call it George. 

Da rules.

*This is a Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men/Mechanicky Gal joint. This bag originally belonged to Sista From Anotha Mista The Mechanicky Gal, who gave it to me. I used it for a bit, then the last time she came out for a visit she thought she might like to have it back. But the bottom line is that it's just too big and heavy for either of us, although I have to admit it's a good choice for travel.


Megan said...

It seems that I should be the winner eventually, right? I mean, think how easy it would be to send free shit to my camp!

Phiala said...

Hm. I am not a purse sort of gal, but that would handily carry my netbook and work accoutrements, while looking less like ass than my usual backpack.

So count me in, please. Do I get extra numbers if it's my birthday?

The Mechanicky Gal said...

And may I add that the flaps on the pockets are nice magnetic snaps, so no fumbling to either get shit out of the pocket, or put it in!
May the best random number generator win!

Gristle McThornbody said...

Oooooohhh! GIMME!

Uhm, I mean, wow! what a beautiful handbag. I'd love to have that.

You mentioning carrying a hammer in your purse got me thinking that would make a great post for someone. You have your "Field of Dreams" model, mine is more along the lines of "The MacGyver." At any given time I have a jackknife, snacks, a little tiny toolkit, as well as all the usual - wallet, notepad, pens, fishing license, cell phone, lighters, stamps, business cards, aspirin, a magnifying glass, reading glasses, keys, and a spare dog leash. If a proven need for a handbag the size of most people's suitcases plays into this at all, I think I should be considered a serious contender.

PS- Did anybody else see the video of the actual working jetpack? Gimme that, too.

kimby said...

I love big bags. I think it is because I have a fear of being without whatever I may need....needless to say I carry a lot of stuff with me. So count me in to the number generator.......

Juan Federico said...

The Ruth Buzzi Beatdown Bag! Hachacha!

Janiece said...

Gladys Ormphby! Juan, I haven't thought about that in years.


mattw said...

Brandi saw it and practically started drooling. I'll throw my name in for the bag. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I live by the following rule: the bigger the bag, the smaller the butt (looks). Which is almost always a good thing. That is until Parkinson's law catches up with it/me.

I just won the book drawing two weeks ago so I'll pass on this one but nice bag (size, color, design) and nice of you ladies to pass it along.

Unknown said...

That bag looks AMAZING. I am such a handbag addict, too.

Janiece said...

Welcome, Tori. I've thrown your name into the random number generator, er, hat.

Nathan said...

We would have put Anon GF in the running, but we both thought that bag looks big enough for her to ride around in! One thing she doesn't need is a bag that lets her carry more shit around.

Unless it comes with a wheelbarrow.
