Miscellaneous Monday - I'll Be Back Edition

Monday, January 20, 2014

Limited resources

Now that the holidays are over, I've been spending a considerable amount of time trying to get my depression under control. For me this means paying strict attention to nutrition, exercise and sleep, so that I can stabilize my emotions. What that means, of course, is that I have less attention for other things. So I've had to prioritize, and HCDSM has gotten the short end of the stick. I'm not going to apologize for prioritizing my mental health, but I do intend to return to regular writing at some point. Patience you must have, my young Padawan.

I have a dream

Today is MLK day here in the United States, and for the first time EVAH, I have the day off. I've just never worked anywhere that observed the day. Of course I had to work the day after Thanksgiving, so I suppose it all evens out.

This is my favorite quote by MLK. It resonates with me now more than ever.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.  - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Time suck

I'm taking a class right now called "Introduction to Computer Based Systems." It's required for my degree program, and while the material isn't particularly hard, going through the material, performing the labs and writing the assignments is taking an exceedingly long period of time each week. I'm filling in some gaps in my knowledge, though, so I'm trying to keep a good attitude about it for the sake of my mental health. 


John Healy said...

Hang in there. Life will go on.
Good attitude on the course. Especially, if you're learning that much.
Hope you feel better.

Janiece said...

Thanks, John.

Beatrice Desper said...

Hang in there. January is hard.

Stacey said...

Hugs. Nice to see you!