Link Me Up, Scotty

Thursday, May 14, 2015
As an on-again, off-again frequent flyer, I have often wondered at the purpose of those little holes in airplane windows. Now I know.

J.K. Rowling makes comments about people who criticize her for standing up to misogynist trolls on Twitter. The money quote: "It isn’t always fun being a famous woman on Twitter and I believe in standing up to bullies." A good policy at any time.

Let's all be perfectly honest (for a change). There are radical nutjobs in every belief system. It's not just a Muslim thing or a Christian thing. It's a human thing.

H/T Larry

I so, so wish this was not satire. Ted Cruz is a treasonous reprobate, and I really, really don't understand why anyone listens to him on any topic, let alone the workings of the United States Armed Forces. Dipshit.

The Vatican has decided to recognize the Palestinian state. Overall I think this is a positive development. While I recognize that Israel believes a Palestinian state is an existential threat, the fact of the matter is that Israel has chosen not to offer Palestinian Arabs representation in the government of the land where they live. I understand this decision - Israel was founded as a Jewish homeland, and Israelis don't want to be a voting minority. But as a people, the Palestinians deserve something more, and something better than being refugees in the land where their ancestors lived for hundreds of years. Please note that I also believe Israelis deserve the same - I just disagree with the conservative Israeli idea that it's a zero sum game. I'm watching how things develop from a geopolitical perspective. I suspect that the longer this goes on, the more sympathetic the Palestinians will become.

I wonder if this is what statistically challenged Christians mean when they claim to be "persecuted."