LInk Me Up, Scotty - A Day Late and Dollar Short Edition

Thursday, May 1, 2014
First class science writer Ed Yong talks about the influence of privilege and luck for successful people.

Republicans have blocked an increase in the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 an hour. Because apparently those lazy poor people don't need to buy food and pay for shelter.

Looks like the ENTIRE state of Wisconsin isn't in bed with Koch Industries. A federal judge has struck down Wisconsin's egregious voter ID laws. I'm quite sure there will be appeals for days, but for now - go, team.

My quasi-celebrity platonic boyfriend Eric Garland has a new essay up on the myths of America, and the dangers of embracing nihilism in lieu of striving toward a mythical ideal.

Video of the Week: The VFA-27 Cruise Video teaser, taken while embarked on the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON, CVN-73. Go, Navy.


Bill Ward said...

I watched the other night as a Republican lawmaker was defending the position of no minimum wage increase by saying, "Mr. Obama, it's not about the minimum wage, it's about jobs... that's what people really want."

I wonder sometimes if they even know how moronic that sounds.

Janiece said...

Apparently not.