Republicans have blocked an increase in the Federal Minimum Wage to $10.10 an hour. Because apparently those lazy poor people don't need to buy food and pay for shelter.
Looks like the ENTIRE state of Wisconsin isn't in bed with Koch Industries. A federal judge has struck down Wisconsin's egregious voter ID laws. I'm quite sure there will be appeals for days, but for now - go, team.
My quasi-celebrity platonic boyfriend Eric Garland has a new essay up on the myths of America, and the dangers of embracing nihilism in lieu of striving toward a mythical ideal.
Video of the Week: The VFA-27 Cruise Video teaser, taken while embarked on the USS GEORGE WASHINGTON, CVN-73. Go, Navy.
I watched the other night as a Republican lawmaker was defending the position of no minimum wage increase by saying, "Mr. Obama, it's not about the minimum wage, it's about jobs... that's what people really want."
I wonder sometimes if they even know how moronic that sounds.
Apparently not.
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