So I was spending way too much time loitering around my friend’s blogs, and decided to take the leap and create my own. I mean, seriously – how much time can you spend before you become a creepy on-line stalker with no life? At least now I have no life in my own blog.
The name of the thing, “Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men,” is a maxim I’ve lived by since I discovered my high school sweetheart may have been easy on the eyes, but talking to him made me want to light my hair on fire. Rules to live by, boys and girls – brains before beauty.
I’m going to try and post every day, but no promises. Unfortunately, I’m not independently wealthy, and neither is my Smart Man. We both have to earn a living, which means I may occasionally be sporadic. Such is life.
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I knew you'd do it eventually!
Ha! Now you'll never be free.
Good title and I'm looking forward to this, oh yes I am.
Why, yes, Jim, I am holding you personally responsible for this. At least in part.
In rataliation, I may need your advice on a few things, if you don't mind.
But, of course.
With a blog title like this one, I'm just happy to be let in the door...
AHA!!! I figured you were going to cave eventually. :)
The support of my on-line community is just so overwhelming. Really.
I just hope it turns out to be fun. If it becomes a burden, I'm outta here.
Welcome, Jim and MWT!
If it becomes a burden, just post more pics of the schnauzer. :D
Well, Boogie the Giant Schnauzer would be a cute addition. He's really dumber than a stump though. I'll have to ensure the "smart men" category applies only to homo sapiens.
Francesca The Great Huntress will be more than willing to add her 5 cents worth if Boogie cannot add anything.
Sh'e just sayin'.
Amy, I may take you up on that. Posting pictures of cats seems to be a requirement in the blog circles where I hang out. And we all know there isn't going to be any cat pictures coming from this household.
I'll have to ensure the "smart men" category applies only to homo sapiens.
hehehe -- you said, "homo."
(and all the hot chicks exit stage left... *doh*)
Shawn, that's what I like about you. You're a smart man who's not afraid to look like Homer in order to get a laugh.
Yay! Teh Interweebs can always use more hot chicks (and not of the anorexic and silicone variety, too many of those). Glad to see you yielded to the peer pressure, Janiece.
Hey, I can clean up to a hot chick. Smart men, tremble with your slide rules, we're on the prowl!
You got it, gal-pals. In my lexicon, Hot Chicks are always their men's intellectual equals, and stick figures and silicon are not allowed.
Uh oh, this is starting to take an ugly turn...
Dunno if GH will allow her pic on the internet. She is concerned about identity theft.
Amy, I will personally guarantee GH's identity will remain secure. She is a world traveler, after all.
Jim, there's nothing ugly...just a moratorium on stick women and silicon.
OK, now the question is: do hot men prefer smart women?
John, I'm afraid you'll have to ask a Hot Man that question. Is there a "Hot Men Dig Smart Chicks" blog?
John, is that hot LOOKING men or TRULY hot men?
I think that from this POV, the hot LOOKERS want the boobs-n-whatnot.
TRULY hot, though? That's a crap-shoot.
Janiece, GH trusts you! Pic to follow for posting emergency.
Thanks, Amy.
But, seriously. Accounting? Afghanistan?
sdtl - I meant hot-looking. I was teasing a bit, because it's been my experience even accounting for the small expected overlap in the venn diagrams of "extremely hot-looking" and "extremely smart", that those two go together less often than random chance would admit. In fact, there seems to be an inverse reletionship in general.
We sexist pigs in science used to note that the harder the subject, the lower the proportion of hot females in it. Physics, P-Chem, Math and EE had fewer hot chicks than Chem-E and Mech-E, which had fewer than O-Chem, biochem, and Civ-E, which had fewer than Biology. I wasn't paying too much attention to the guys back in grad school, but it seemed that the concentration of pretty-boys in each discipline pretty much mirrored the hot chicks.
I have to be really, really REALLY circumspect in voicing that opinion around here because 1) My wife is hot 2) she is a Physical Chemist and 3) our second date was to the pistol range, and 4) if that wasn't enough, her father once decapitated a Japanese soldier with a bayonet. 5) Did I mention that my wife is hot?
She tends to explain it socially, though - humans of both sexes on the hottest end of the hot scale tend to get things handed to them early in life and so shy away from anything that looks like hard work.
Er, present company excluded of course ... ;-)
I'm in trouble, aren't I?
John, you're not in trouble. Civilized debate is always welcome here at Hot Chicks, and the Smarter the Man, the better.
I've always been prouder of my brains than my looks, perhaps because A) My looks "arrived" later in my life than my brains, and B) Because I've always known that looks were fleeting, and brains are not.
Having said that, allow me to say that men that I find attractive are usually funny and smart, and their looks are secondary. Not that I routinely dated gargoyles or anything, but the first criteria is usually brains and humor. We all have the "parade of losers" that we parade just usually didn't include dumb-asses.
So are hot chicks smart? Any man I might be interested in would consider being smart part of the "hot" equation. If he didn't, he wouldn't be "smart."
John, would your lovely wife's "hot" factor be as high if she was brainless? I think not.
"John, would your lovely wife's "hot" factor be as high if she was brainless? I think not."
You're talking to a guy, and guys are notorious for being able to compartmentalize "one night stand" hot from "can I stand more than three minutes of post-coital conversation with this chick?" hot. ;-)
As we age, the latter gets to weigh a lot more in our mental equation. When we're young, well you know what teenaged guys are like.
Although I must say that every single woman I've ever dated has obtained a Ph.D. in science or engineering, even if she didn't have one at the time I was dating her (and that includes my HS girlfriend). But I am not the marginal case, as the economists say.
I know this seems random, but WHen I find a blog I like, I do something I think is unique... I read it! LOL actualy I go through and pick a few random blogs to read, if I like them then I go read the first blog.... and then I leave a comment and tell you that I have decided that I'm going to add this one to my list of everyday reads... I am truly in like with your blog!!
Welcome, Poetry Sue.
We're always looking for new blood around here to spark conversation. Thanks for stopping by, and feel free to comment.
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