My Day in Pictures

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Yeah. I wish.


Tom said...

Well, hey! Eye fork you, too.

Oh wait, I forgot picture grammar. Fork impales eye. Got ya! Sorry it's that kind of day.

Eye hope soon you can stick a fork in it, because it's done.

WendyB_09 said...

Tom, I believe that would be a spork in the top photo.

She'd getting desparate if she's having to use plastic implements!

Tom said...

I don't know. Spork sounds more like a new kind of spam, rather than an actual implement with a use and a name and all...

If they ever come out with a stainless pattern that uses the spork, I'll consider, only at that time, thinking a spork is a real thing.

Until then, here, have some spork, with a side of spam.