I am a Hot Chick living in Castle Rock, CO with my fabulous family. We have a rescue dog named "Jackson," and she's a Basenji/Shepherd mix. She's something of a head case, but we love her. I'm a U.S. Navy vet, and I currently work as an Enterprise Solutions Architect, specializing in VoIP and multimedia contact center design. I care about social justice, libraries, science, the U.S. Constitution and the military. I'm a tax and spend liberal in a largely red county, but I try not to be stabby about it. I knit for charity. Stupidity, cupidity and wanton assholery piss me off, and I'm more than a little soft when it comes to dogs and those who serve others. I blog about whatever I feel like. I use foul language, so if that sort of thing offends you, feel free to fuck off now - if I'm unwilling to clean up my language for my fabulous Great Auntie Margie, I'm unlikely to do so for you. Newcomers are welcome here, especially those who disagree with me, but trolling and spamming will be met with the Shovel of Doom™.
Well, hey! Eye fork you, too.
Oh wait, I forgot picture grammar. Fork impales eye. Got ya! Sorry it's that kind of day.
Eye hope soon you can stick a fork in it, because it's done.
Tom, I believe that would be a spork in the top photo.
She'd getting desparate if she's having to use plastic implements!
I don't know. Spork sounds more like a new kind of spam, rather than an actual implement with a use and a name and all...
If they ever come out with a stainless pattern that uses the spork, I'll consider, only at that time, thinking a spork is a real thing.
Until then, here, have some spork, with a side of spam.
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