I'm still a bit weepy and sad over the unexpected death of our friend Wendy. It's always shocking when a peer succumbs to our shared mortality, and my heart aches for her family.
I'm starting to like the Girl Scouts more and more and more. First, they decided to allow a transgendered youngster into their organization, and now they have a whole slew of new Merit Badges that reflect the requirements of living in a modern world. Contrast this with the bigoted asshattery that is the BSA, and I will definitely say that Girl Rule, Boys Drool in this specific case.
Everyone's talking about the firing of Penn State's Joe Paterno as a result of the child rape scandal. I don't have much to add to what's already being said, other than to say each and every person who was aware of this, and did only what the law required, is a FUCKING COWARD. This is some shameful, shameful shit, and I don't know how any of these motherfuckers can live with themselves. Who witnesses the rape of a young child and says, "Gee, the right thing to do here is to walk away!" I want to punch each and every one of them right in the throat. With an extra punch in the 'nads for that heinous knuckle dragger Jerry Sandusky.
Sometimes I end up being exposed to people in my professional life that make me feel like I've been transported into the break room of a used car dealership. Buy now! Pay later! What could possibly go wrong!
I like pie.
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Well, who doesn't like pie when it comes down to it.
egosi - Bela, without the L. Or the desert island I sometimes inhabit. In my mind.
1) Me too. I'll be kinda okay and then I'll stumble on something Wendy related and pow! Weepy eyes. And I never even got to meet in her meatspace. Knowing it'll never happen now just makes me sadder.
2) Awesome. Seriously. I was only a Brownie when I was a kid, but things like this will ensure that I keep buying Girl Scout cookies.
3) No fucking shit. As I told HSG the other night, if I had stumbled on that scene, Sandusky would've been a castrato before the night was over. And nothing would've ever been found for reattachment. And yes, doing only what the law required? Are you fucking kidding me? How about a fucking moral compass, you dickheads? Just more castrati for the queue.
4) I think you need to move to Los Angeles and come to work for JPL. Just sayin'.
5) Me too. Maybe I'll pick up some pie tonight.
Good morning. I was seriously bored at work last night, and in an effort to stay awake, I tuned in Coast to Coast, and heard this deep-fried lunatic named Andrew Basagio ranting about the civilization on Mars. Googled the guy to get some info for a post, and it brought me to your 2009 entry him. Apparently, I'm not the first brainwashed drone to be dazzled by his enlightenment. Anyway, I'm going to refer my readers to your groundbreaking work on this clown; I'm just sorry I didn't hear this 'tard a week BEFORE Halloween. I could have gotten an hour of standup out of that! Nice work here. I'll be back to peruse when I'm through tidying things up back at the Hideout. See you soon.
Welcome, Jack. Pull up a chair and have some pie.
Thank you for putting the idea of pie in my head yesterday, Janiece. I had dutch apple pie a la mode last night with a nice White Russian (and a nice white Welshman ::nudge nudge wink wink::).
Sorry, I'm still in the annoying phase of the relationship. It wears off around the third month, right?
mmmm, pie. Now I need to go in search of some lemon meringue. Is 8am too early?
"It's always a good time for pie."
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