Sooper Sekret Projekt - REVEALED!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Well, I'm finally in a position to announce my SOOPER SEKRET PROJEKT: I've decided to leave my employer of almost sixteen years because I've accepted a position in the Military Industrial Complex. The reasons for my decision are many and varied, but I think it's sufficient to say that the things that are important to me are no longer important to my leadership team. In cases like these, change is good. 

I know. Not as exciting as "I'm publishing a book," or "I'm starring in an episode of Leverage."

Sixteen years is a long time to stay with the same company, though, and I find my mind is careening between terror and manic excitement. I think the opportunity is a fabulous one - I wouldn't sacrifice my existing investment for anything less than spectacular. But I've been a top 10% performer at my current job for many, many years. Leaving for an unknown quantity is a scary proposition, yet I know in my heart I can succeed in this new venture. I just wish that bitch Drama-Me would stop telling me ugly stories about my abilities. You know how that goes. However, if she doesn't shut the hell up so I can proceed with my courageous life, I'm going to drown that bitch in the nearest pond. Which may be a good idea in any case.

I've decided to call my new employer Global Dynamics here at Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men, partly because I'm disappointed that Eureka was canceled, and partly because how mind-blowingly cool would it be to work THERE? Unfortunately, my new gig isn't nearly that exciting. I'll basically be doing the same thing I do now - presales system engineering for VoIP solutions in large organizations. Exciting to me, boring to you. Which is why I don't normally write about it much. Erlang theory and traffic shaping are vital and important to the successful execution of my work, but seriously - a complete and utter snooze-fest to the non-telephony engineer. So I'll do my best to spare you that dreadful experience, no matter how excited I become.

My last day at my current job is Friday, and I'll be starting at Global Dynamics on Wednesday the 11th. Wish me luck.


Nathan said...

Yay! I'm wishing you success and happiness. Luck barely enters into it.

Stacey said...

I couldn't be more happy for you. You are intelligent, motivated and ethical. GD is lucky to have you, as am I. Tomorrow we drown that drama-bitch in low cal beer. Huzzah

mom in northern said...

Coolness abounds...

Juan Federico said...

You tend to generate your own 'luck' so....go get'em Janiece!

Alex said...

I have no doubt you will flourish as you do everywhere. Give it 2 months and your upper management will be eating out of your hand as usual.

The Mechanicky Gal said...


Carol Elaine said...

WooHoo! Global Dynamics is lucky to get you! If Drama-You doesn't shut the hell up, I'll kneecap her myself.

As for the coolness of working at the Global Dynamics on Eureka, yeah, it would be mega-cool, but every single Monday your life would be in some unspeakable danger. Frankly, I think you're better off without that stress.

Laura = ^.^ = said...

Congratulations! Keep Drama-Me around a little longer so you can say, "See, I told you so!" I hate that bitch, too.

vince said...

Hurray! And as Nathan said, luck barely enters into it. You'll kick ass and take names.

Megan said...

You don't need luck. You are going to be FABULOUS.

Warner said...

Hadn't seen the term Erlang since I worked for Automatic Electric Labs in 73-74. I built there first T1 switch and designed and built the test fixture for it.

Matt said...

It only took 52 years, but NOW we know why Eisenhower warned us against the military industrial complex . . . which must mean that you are going to work for a company that has perfected time travel and doppelgangery . . . which means you have accepted a position with Cyberdyne Systems . . . which means the world will be ending soon . . .fuck! the Mayans were right! Congrats on your new job and hastening the Apocalypse! Knowing you, it will be the best run Apocalypse ever!!

Janiece said...


Matt said...

Anything worth doing is worth doing right . . . so is that going to be skynet ending the world at exactly midnight on the 21st of December? I want to make sure my Apocalypse outfit is back from the cleaners in time. Holla back!

Janiece said...

Matt, the Mayans were pussies. Seriously - December 21st? Whatever.

Matt said...

Right . . . I get it . . . it will be Sooper Sekret . . . I'll just have to Sleuth it out . . . let's see, Warner commented that he "installed" the T1 in 74-75, The T-800 model travels back in time to kill Sarah Connor, Skynet ends the world about 20 years after that . . .Hmmm . . . gonna need a bit on this one but I'll get it sooner or later . . . anyhow, have fun at the new place!

Eric said...

It is awesome, and I'm one of many who are proud and happy for you, Janiece!

Teacher and Learner said...


Steve Buchheit said...

Congrats and good luck at the new job. I'm sure youll be fantastic.

Plant Seeds of Happiness said...

One super brave gal good for you! Go get -em :}
Hope you stay excited and fulfilled with this new adventure!

IllanoyGal said...

How wonderful! A new job with new challenges. That's the way to get the adrenalin flowing full time. Best of luck to you and may you enjoy every day of it.