"Spring" in Colorado. Really? |
When I landed in San Diego, I went to the Mechanicky Gal's house, because that's how I roll when I'm in Southern California. I mooch off my relatives for lodging, drink all their beer, and eat ALL the Taco Shop foodz.
After I was done working for the day, we took the obligatory tour of the property (accompanied by the fierce guard-cats), and I admired the flowers.
C'mon, Spring. I need some sunshine in my life.
Siiiigghhhh. My corner of Michigan finally has bare ground showing! In fact, the poor robins returned about two or three weeks ago and must have been wondering where the hell they took the wrong turn. Worms and bugs were few and far between, and under snow and ice.
Crocuses are finally poking their heads up on the south side of the house :) It's supposed to run around 50 for a few days here. Time to hit the beach!
Welcome, Gristle.
The snow was basically gone by Friday when I returned. I'm just really over winter this year...
You're home? Then I can't recommend you eat the nasturtiums--the middle flowers.
They're edible and supposed to be peppery. I haven't grown then in years, because I haven't had window box planters in years.
The Mechanicky Gal told me that all parts of the nasturtiums are edible. I didn't try any because, Taco Shop.
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