Link Me Up, Scotty

Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Ashanti Branch, an educator in California, has embarked on a program to give boys a bigger emotional toolbox, and I think it's fabulous. Newsflash, machismo jerkwads: Boys are human. Just like girls. And they need the ability to manage their emotional health without fear of being called names and shamed for their "sensitivity."

Brother Eric has a post up about the recent SCOTUS decision to put "corporate" people ahead of "female" people.From the conclusion: "All of which is a long way of saying there's no point in complaining about this bullshit, because what you're smelling is the fecund stench of inevitability piling up around your shoes." I wish, oh how I wish that I didn't agree with him so whole-heartedly.

What I wish other people knew about grief. The money quote: "Time lessens the sting; but for the griever, it’s almost a prison sentence without parole. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to get up each morning and hope something gives you a glimmer that gets you through the day."

Admiral Michelle Howard, USN, was promoted yesterday to the rank of a 4-star admiral. She's the fist woman in history to achieve this rank, and she's not some personnel wonk, either. She's the Vice Chief of Naval Operations, the second highest rank in the Navy. There are only a few internal barriers left to women in service in this country, and it makes my heart sing to see them battered down, one by one. Congratulations, Admiral.

 Video of the Week: The story of the late Dr. Robert McNair, who went from having the police called because he wouldn't leave a segregated library to a NASA astronaut.


Anne C. said...

That post about grief is a very very good one, from what I've observed with you and others. Thanks for linking to it.

I love you very much. <3

Anne C. said...

PS - The boys education story was actually a tougher read for me -- not the article itself, which was really interesting -- but the comments below. So much anger and fear. Never read the comments, I have to remind myself!

Janiece said...

I love you, too.

Re: Comments. You know better, my friend. You really, really do.