Link Me Up, Scotty - STEM for the Win Edition

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
A charitable organization called "E-Nable" engaged a prosthetic designer named John Peterson to help construct a prosthetic arm for a 7 year old boy. The work was done on a 3-D printer, and was designed to look like the arm of a Clone Trooper from Star Wars. It cost $300.00 to manufacture, and Peterson gave his design hours for free. Awesome.

Service dogs are getting a technical boost from the FIDO Project, who's new vests contain GPS trackers, ways for dogs to call 9-1-1, and more. Service dogs are the bee's knees.

If I ever feel a need to move to a reclusive town, I would seriously consider Whittier, AK, where everyone lives in an old Army barracks, along with their basic necessities such as a laundromat, grocery store, and school. As long as there was high-speed Internet, I think I'd do just fine.

From the "math is beautiful" files: Sculptures created on 3D printers based on the Fibonacci sequence, the mathematical formula expressed in nature with pine cones, sunflowers and sea shells. Breathtaking. H/T Pete

18 Ways Working in a Call Centre Changes Your Life. This explains so very, very much about me. H/T Kimby

Because I apparently live under a rock, I missed this essay by Kameron Hurley entitled We Have Always Fought when it came out in 2013. And again when it won the Hugo. Because I apparently live under a rock. This is an excellent read for both men and women, and sheds some light on things that should be obvious (but aren't). H/T Smart Man

Video of the Week: The Dover Delaware Police Department provides some "DashCam" footage of one of their officers who apparently has a thing about Taylor Swift. My favorite part? When he waves another car through at a four way stop, acting all serious between his chair dancing and head bobbing. H/T Laurie