Brother David once again provides funny, thoughtful political analysis, this time on The Donald and how the Republicans have painted themselves right into a Trump-sized corner.
There's no need to wonder why our roads are in such terrible shape. There's no money. This is what comes from a "all taxes are BAD" mentality. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. They're a necessary evil. Because roads (or your choice of infrastructure projects) are necessary.
From the "women are fierce" file. A sex worker in Charleston, VA, shoots and kills a client in self-defense. The man is now being investigated for a series of sex worker homicides in two states.
H/T Brother Seth
How dogs react to stress depends on their temperament. I find this utterly unsurprising. There's a reason why successful dog/horse/cat whisperers are typically very calm people. It also explains why Miss Jackson Pi loves me best, but minds The Smart Man more.
I love this story about a woman who started a business making hearing aid covers for kids' hearing aids. Since my own hearing is starting to go, I'll probably get several - one for every mood. Wonder Woman, The Minions, Dug.
H/T Brother Juan
Dogs play for free at Sunningdale Gold Club. If there was a course around here that allowed dogs, I might even take up golf again.
Turns out that the whole "Hillary used her personal e:mail to communicate classified information and is now being criminally investigated by the Justice Department" story is a manufactured scandal, fabricated and misreported by the media, specifically The New York Times. Whether you like Hillary or not, the truth matters. Being manipulated by partisan writers pretending to be journalists is not a road I want to go down, regardless of which side of the aisle is doing the manufacturing.
H/T Brother Jim
So a dude organizes a "Straight Pride" parade in Seattle, and his turn out was, shall we say, less than stellar. Dude then blames gay people, because reasons? I find this HI-LARIOUS.
Video of the week: Cancer patient and sexual and domestic abuse survivor Lena used her Make-a-Wish to make a video about surviving and thriving in the aftermath of abuse. Brava, Lena. You're an amazing person, with a bright future.
H/T Brother Seth
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