Link Me Up, Scotty - Healthcare Edition
Mistrust after Tuskegee experiments may have taken years off of black men's lives. I find this utterly unsurprising. The way the medical establishment in this country has treated black Americans is appalling, and their mistrust is historically well-placed.
Why I'm done asking my husband to "help me out." I love everything about this essay, especially the part when she points out that adopting the attitude that your male spouse is somehow your "helper" or "assistant" diminishes his value and infantilizes him. Sort of like assuming it's somehow a woman's sole responsibility to prevent rape, rather than assuming that men should be expected to manage and control their own impulses. Oh...wait.
It's amazing to me that people are so utterly shameless in displaying their bigotry and racism so openly. In a way I actually prefer it this way - that way I know who needs to get the fuck off my world. But it's instances like this that make me scoff at the idea that somehow people's First Amendment rights are being compromised by "political correctness."
This Giant Octopus Kite is mesmerizing.
H/T Steve
If the Brexit debacle has proved anything, it's that voting matters. Which reminds me - if you're an American citizen, are you registered to vote? In case you missed it, we're having a pretty important election here in the U.S. in November, and if you're eligible to vote but not planning on doing so, then I'll just add you to the list of people who can get the fuck off my world. Register. Vote your conscience. Don't be a complacent, whiny dick.
SCOTUS strikes down Texas' disingenuous abortion clinic requirements. Here's the thing about such laws: They're clearly intended to limit a woman's access to abortion, while masquerading as paternalistic concern for "women's health." I understand and am sympathetic to those who oppose abortion on moral grounds (although I don't come down on that side of the argument). But please do everyone the intellectual courtesy of allowing your moral arguments to stand on their own merit instead of enacting laws that obfuscate and mislead, but have the effect you want in limiting access to abortion. The majority of the Supreme Court obviously sees this to be the case, which makes me happy both as a citizen who wants our laws to be intellectually honest, and as a pro-choice citizen who supports a woman's right to self-determination.
From the "Thank you, Captain Obvious" files: House report reveals no evidence of wrongdoing by then-Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in regards to the attack on the Embassy in Benghazi. Why are we still talking about this? I thought it had already been established that this so-called investigation is basically a witch hunt put in motion by House Republicans as a means to discredit Hillary Clinton in her bid for the Presidency. And yet, the money continues to roll out, as partisan bickering continues unabated, and in this case, they ended up blaming the armed forces. Klassy.
Jesse Williams wins the BET Humanitarian Award, and has some words about the struggle of black people in this country.
Video of my Heart: A woman decides to run across Iran in an effort to promote understanding and break down stereotypes.
H/T The Superlative Carolyn
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