Pal Rachael talks about Pokémon Go, and why it's a fun game for all ages. The only thing she's wrong about is that team Blue is not the best team. That would be team Red.
My favorite Christian Pastor on why he'll never support the Trumpsicle.
Are you a Harry Potter fan? Then it's unlikely you support
H/T Sister Ellen
John Scalzi with commentary on the GOP convention, otherwise known as the biggest flaming shit-sack of the century. I really miss the days when the GOP fielded candidates I would actually consider.
From the "people are awesome" files: a construction worker named Jason Haney was working on a building next to a hospital. So he and his daughter made an 8' "Waldo" and he hides it several times each day somewhere on the site for the hospitalized kids to find. The project has its own Facebook page, and the family is now working on some cut-out Minions for their next project. THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY EYE.
A compelling analysis of the appeal of Donald Trump, or why your friends and neighbors who support him aren't necessarily idiots and racists (although they might be).
H/T Brother Seth
In Louisville, KY, there's a group of black teen boys who roam the community, looking for yards to mow. For free. They won't accept payment for their work from the homeowners, many of whom cannot get out and mow their own lawns, but they do have a GoFundMe page to help maintain their equipment (which wears out fast), and to fund an annual chartered trip to Disney World for the boys who choose to participate.
H/T Brother Vince
LeBron James has donated approximately $41M to send 1,100 kids from his home public school district to college on full scholarships. Sports don't interest me much, and quite frankly I think the salaries that professional players at James' level demand says more about our values as a community than I want to know. But I do respect those who have been given much, and choose to give in return. Bravo, LeBron.
A reminder to foster our inner light in times of trouble. Good advice at any time.
Video of my Heart: Ward+Robes creates designer hospital gowns for very ill teens. I love this idea so very much. Science can give these kids the best chance of recovery, but being a sick teen is hard enough without being unable to explore your individuality. Brava!
H/T Sister Carolyn
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