Link Me Up, Scotty - Amazing Grace Edition

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

I now have both my Senators and my Representative on speed-dial, and my Firefox home pages include the contact page for each of those individuals, as well. I think that's called "settling in for the long haul."

Yale University has decided to rename Calhoun College after my personal hero, RADM Grace Murray Hopper, USNR (Ret).
In selecting a new name for the college at the corner of College and Elm streets, Yale honors the life and legacy of Grace Murray Hopper. Hopper “was an exemplar of achievement in her field and service to her country,” said Salovey. “As we considered potential namesakes, the trustees and I benefited from hundreds of unique naming suggestions made by alumni, faculty, students, and staff who either advocated for a name change to this college or submitted ideas for the names of the two new residential colleges. This community input was indispensable: Hopper’s name was mentioned by more individuals than any other, reflecting the strong feeling within our community that her achievements and life of service reflect Yale’s mission and core values.”
There's something in my eye.

The Atlantic's photo essay of the winners of the World Press Photo Contest. Chilling, inspiring, and heart-wrenching by turn, these photos provide views into the rest of the world.

My favorite Christian Pastor on how grief can sneak up on you and punch you in the heart on even - or especially - the best of days. This happens to me a lot. When we're at trivia and our team is struggling to determine the answer and I know Moe would have known it. When people engage in activism for those who cannot speak for themselves. When I have something interesting, or funny, or inspiring to say. I expect this will never go away.

In this opinion piece by John R. Schindler, he contends that the U.S. intelligence service is now withholding intelligence from the White House due to concerns about the administration's ties to the Kremlin, as well as a lack of confidence in the basic competency of the President. If this is true, it does not bode well for our nation's security over the next four years.

From Brother Eric, a thoughtful look at how societies can crumble around us without anyone noticing, or least the majority not noticing.

The 2017 Underwater Photographer of the Year winners.  Lovely.

Oh, hey! It looks like 45 knew about Flynn's treasonous activities for weeks, and instead of acting, threw it under the rug and then subsequently fired the acting Attorney General who brought it to his attention (for supposedly non-related reasons). Oh, and he lied about it, too. But that sort of goes without saying these days.

Speaking as someone who has been devastated by gaslighting, this is something that every American should think about:


Today's sources:
  • Yale News: The official on-line publication for news about Yale University. 
  • The Atlantic: Skews left but still a reputable source of in-depth news. 
  • Stuff That Needs to be Said: The personal blog of Pastor John Pavlovitz
  • The Observer (NY): Specialty news magazine with minimal partisan bias. 
  • Standing on the Shoulders of Giant Midgets: The personal blog of attorney Eric VanNewkirk.  
  • WaPo: Mainstream media source with minimal partisan bias.