Link Me Up, Scotty - Monday Morning Edition

Monday, January 7, 2019

Virginia Heffernan of the Los Angeles Times has something to say about the current crop of Right-Wing Blowhards and the fact that they're losing their shit over the number of indecorous women in politics these days. She rightly notes that younger women (and their supporters) are now at the point where the traditional thinly veiled misogynistic insult solicits not apologies or shame, but a point-and-laugh response with a side order of public exposure of the dog-whistle. I find this especially gratifying, since these fabulous feminists are treating this bull-pucky with the response it deserves.

Bonus Gratification: If there's one thing that infuriates a Misogynist Right-Wing Blowhard more than not being taken seriously, I don't know what it is.

From the "Living History" files: WWII Army nurse Elva Bertha just turned 100, and she was there when the Japanese came to surrender to MacArthur.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging part of the technologies I design for customer interaction. But I'm far more interested in its medical use, as in this case, where AI is able to detect Alzheimer's Disease in the brain six years before a diagnosis.

Disclaimer: I haven't read the actual study, only this synopsis, so I have no certitude that it's been reported appropriately.

From the "What comes around, goes around" files.

Video of the Week: Mongolian band The HU, performing Wolf Totem.