Chicon 7 Cosplay

Monday, January 9, 2012
This year the Smart Man and I have decided to attend the 2012 World Science Fiction Convention in Chicago, IL, called "Chicon 7." This will be our second time attending a WorldCon, as we also attended the Denvention event here in Colorado in 2008.

We'll be attending with other members of the UCF and their assorted partners, spouses, etc., and so (naturally) the subject of costumes came up.

I've decided to bring two costumes - one for Zoe from Firefly, and another in the steam-punk style. So now I'm prowling for costume options.

One of my challenges is the issue of SIGHT. I wear glasses with progressive lenses, and believe me, they are not optional. But my rockin' new Anne Kleins are not appropriate for what I have in mind. Which got me to thinking - why not buy a set of glasses specifically for this event? A pair of rose-colored glasses. In my typical fashion, I'm now in love with this idea, and can't decide what to buy.

This was my first idea. Round sort of screams "steam punk" to me without resorting to the stereotypical goggles.

Then I saw these, which have a sort of a "clockwork" look to them, which definitely relates to steam punk. These make me think I should be living in Seattle.*

Then I saw these, and decided they were even more clockwork-y.

You must imagine them with rose-tinted lenses in each case. I am torn - TORN - about which to buy. Give me your opinion, Hot Chicks and Smart Men.

*If you don't get that reference, you're missing out on some really cool books.


Steve Buchheit said...

for clockworky, the last. But Rose or Green colored lenses?

Janiece said...

Good question. I think I need to try both on and decide which one is better in lower light...

Eric said...

#3, definitely.

mom in northern said...

The third one for sure...

David said...

I'm with the majority - definitely the last one.

Warner said...

The last

prehogie - somebody who rides an Indian

Carol Elaine said...

# 3 calls to me...

Gristle McThornbody said...

I don't even need glasses and I want #3. You wouldn't really even need to tint those, but be sure to clip a little round magnifier on one lens.

Random Michelle K said...

The third.

And I don't know about rose colored, but why not get them as prescription sunglasses, so you can continue to use them after the Con?

Just refer to them as "smoked glass"

Jeri said...

I actually like #2 better because I think silver goes better w/ your hair & complexion and because as a practical chick, I think of rewearability. #2 is more potentially wearable for other stuff, too. :)

I'm so psyched for this!

Megan said...

Yeah, #3 is my favourite.

Matt said...

Number three . . .nuff said

Matt said...

I think it is appropriate that the following captcha came up right after giving you advice on what to wear to an SF convention (and yes, I wish I could go too).


Janiece said...

Matt, we'd love to have you join us if you can make it.

The Mechanicky Gal said...

Can't wait to see the final pair!