Whackadoodles R Us

Thursday, January 5, 2012
Seems like we're being overcome by whackadoodles lately. Consider:
  • Rick Perry has decided to stay in the race for the Republican nomination for President in spite of his poor showing in the Iowa caucus. This makes me happy, because I would love, love, love to see this buffoon try to debate Barack Obama on any subject on the PLANET. Who intentionally signs up for this kind of intellectual humiliation? A victim of Dunning-Kruger, that's who. Or a whackadoodle, your choice.
  • Hugo Chavez thinks the United States is giving Latin American leaders cancer. Because that's how we do here in the U.S. of A. - we give foreign heads of state THE CANCER when they don't do our bidding. Seriously? If the government had the technology to give people cancer when they disagreed with us, do you really think John Boehner would still be walking around? Dude's still smoking and hitting the tanning bed, cancer would be TOTALLY PLAUSIBLE.
  • Iowa Republicans decided that Rick Santorum was their second choice for their 2012 Presidential nominee. I really have to wonder if these caucus goers are just some sick sons of bitches. "Haha! Let's stand up for Santorum! Because what could be funnier than having the name of our choice for our future president show up on Google as 'The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex'? Haha!" I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Also: I wonder if Barack Obama is secretly making campaign contributions to Ron Paul?


Warner said...

I'm seriously thinking of switching registration so I can vote for Santorum and my wife didn't know what the name meant until I told her.