Free Shit Friday - Blackberry Jam

Friday, March 30, 2012

Today's Free Shit Friday offering is a pint of blackberry jam in my new standard wide mouth jar. This is the Smart Man's favorite, so I always have to promise to make sure he has plenty in the pantry before I decide to give some away.

Da rules.


Juan Federico said...

Hell, I'm in!

Steve Buchheit said...

JAM! Just in case the strawberry-rhubarb disappears before I get home (again).

Phiala said...



Yes, I'd like to enter to win your tasty tasty jam.

Eric said...

Yes, please, put me in the lottery!

Anne C. said...

I recuse myself for the same reasons as before and plan to bake some bread this weekend in order to use the current jar of apple butter so I can open the jar of (I think) blackberry jam I've been hording.
That doesn't stop you from being a temptress, however. ;P

Megan said...

Jam. Want.

vince said...

Mmmmmm..... jam, please!