Chicon 7 - NonCon Activities

Saturday, September 8, 2012
We did do a few other things while we were in Chicago beside Con activities. Chicago is a pretty amazing city, after all.

Thursday night was Wendy's Wake at WorldCon, which was held at Ron of Japan's. Nine UCFers and assorted partners, spouses and friends gathered to remember our friend, and drink a toast in her honor. We miss you, Wendy.

The Smart Man and I also found time to visit the Museum of Science and Industry, where they had a captured U-Boat on display. Aside from the military significance of this feat, I found the logistical challenge of moving this boat from the Gulf to Chicago to be simply astounding.

Most of the rest of our non-Con activities revolved around food (of course). We found time for some Chicago style pizza, the Smart Man escorted me and my three Sister Wives to the Sweetwater Grille one night for dinner, and we celebrated the Amazing Jeri's birthday with brunch.

But our friend Sarah scored the biggest coup during Chicon 7 - she had a birthday party on Friday in her room, and Elizabeth Moon dropped in for a visit when she heard us discussing her Military in SF panel. Awesome.


Anne C. said...

I love how beautiful everyone looks in the last photo.