Free Shit Friday - Raspberry Jam

Friday, September 14, 2012

That's right - it's the return of Free Shit Friday! I put up a batch of raspberry jam last weekend, and there's a pint here at the Big Yellow House that might have your name on it.

da Rules.


Eric said...

Yes, please! Please! Me! Me! Me!

Eric said...

Do I have a better chance if I leave several comments?

Eric said...

Or would such a nakedly greedy attempt to gain the system arouse your ire and disqualify me?

Eric said...

In my defense, you make really, really good jam!

Eric said...

(Burma Shave.)

Anne C. said...

I still have some jam (blackberry and strawberry/raspberry), so I won't be greedy and enter my name, but I highly encourage any lurkers to put their hat in the ring, 'cause Janiece's Jam is Awesomeness Made Semi-solid.

Steve Buchheit said...


Megan said...


Stacey said...

I'm entering Patti's name as I'm sure she'd love it.

Warner said...

Not entering, but chuckling at the people who don't realize how easy this is to make.

- CGL - said...

OM NOM NOM! Jam, please? Please?

- CGL - said...

*sigh* Just worked out that it's now Saturday. That's a DQ, isn't it? Boo, me.

Anonymous said...


Janiece said...

Welcome, -CGL-. You can enter anytime before I announce the winner, and you're good.