Why-O, Why-O-hio
I'm heading to Ohio this morning for an overnight trip to meet with a vendor. While I know many people in Ohio, and would enjoy seeing most of them, I'm booked solid for this trip so I'll be an "all work and no play" kind of engineer this week. It seems appropriate, somehow - January has been nothing but a great big slog through a swamp of crisis, and for now my goal is simply to get back to some level of normalcy. I'm not holding my breath.I need more Clydesdales in my life
When I was a teenager, I was involved in a youth riding group that performed at the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo every year. Frequently the other featured act was one of the traveling rigs of the Budweiser Clydesdales, and I loved those horses. The men that traveled with them were always gracious and kind, tolerating the ever-present gaggle of girls who hung around, answering our endless questions and allowing us to "help" get the teams ready for the hitch. So I have fond memories of those animals and I still get choked up when I see them. This year's Superbowl commercial was especially emotionally manipulative, and yet, I don't really care. I want a Clydesdale horse. You hear that, Smart Man? It's the perfect Valentine gift! We can name him "Sweetie Pie," and I'll love him and hug him, and teach him to trail ride. Oh, and I'll need a ladder in order to mount, as well.Uncle! Uncle!
So yesterday we were supposed to go see Jekyll and Hyde at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, but we ended up staying home, instead. That's because I woke up with a sore throat and a headache, and then the Smart Man's Jeep wouldn't start, and then the pressure relief valve in the hot water heater started to leak again, which means we get to replace that, too.* Because evidently the current shitstorm that is our life just wasn't sufficient to keep the Universe amused, and so it just continues to pile on. I'm going to concede this round to the Universe, and possibly the next one, as well. Stupid Universe. Someone needs to punch that motherfucker right in the damn throat.*That last part meant I got to take an ice-cold shower this morning before leaving for the airport. Whee.
Let me! I would feel so much better if I could.
Stacy you will have to take a number after Janiece and me. Plus I can think of several folks who would like to pile on as well....
The Dodge truck commercial done by Paul Harvey was a good one too.
I'll wave in your general direction tomorrow while you're in Ohio.
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