Free Shit Friday - Blackberry Jam

Friday, February 1, 2013

First, last week's winner of the Dansko Ryders is Shelby, with a random number of 3. Shelby, I don't have your current address, so please send it over and I'll get those in the mail.

This week's Free Shit Friday offering is a pint of my always popular Blackberry Jam. Disclaimer: Whoever wins will probably have to wait for delivery, since I'm currently racking up frequent flyer miles like I'm in a race with Dr. Chang-Diaz.

da Rules.


Eric said...

I guess if I entered multiple times using a variety of thin pseudonyms, you'd catch on, wouldn't you?

But I really love your jam.

Stacey said...

Me, pick me! I lurv your jam.

Steve Buchheit said...


Carol Elaine said...

I love the label - absolutely perfect! (This does not constitute as an entry because I've won a lot of your yummy jam and I feel I should give others the chance to enjoy it.)

If I didn't have boats for feet, I so would've entered last week, because those shoes were seriously cute.

- CGL - said...

Oh, yes *please* -- jam!

*squirm* And ... Janiece? Is there any chance you will have time free when you are in WA at the end of the month? I would love to meet you for dinner, if time allows.

Janiece said...

Carolyn, I was going to wait a few days and send you a note about it. I know you guys have had a rough week, and didn't want to intrude.

I'll send you a couple dates.

Juan Federico said...

Tossing my hat in the ring! Jam Baby Jam!

Jennifer said...

One of the many highlights to visiting Anne is having your jam with breakfast, and blackberry is now my #1 favorite (now that I can't have apple; #1 used to be blackberry-apple).