Chick Stuff - New Do

Thursday, January 31, 2013
First, the requisite nod to gender bias:

Yeah, baby. Go ahead and fuck with me.
To the Chick Stuff!

I've been incredibly bored with my hair lately. While the color is still magnificent, it was basically just...long. Long, and very heavy.* Bleh.

So this last weekend I lost my shit and had my stylist cut off about 12 inches from the back in an A-Line Bob. I apologize for the weird way these photos came out in terms of contrast and color. I'm not sure what happened, the Smart Man's not here to retake them, and the family photo-shopper is laid up in rehab, so we'll just have to suck it up.


*The heavy part is just a pain in the ass when I run. And i don't need any more pains in my ass this quarter.


Random Michelle K said...

OK. You should totally dye your hair aqua blue.

Janiece said...

I know, right? I think the overhead light and the flash from my phone conspired. Weird.

vince said...

Yep, aqua blue suits you. :-)

Random Michelle K said...

Raspberry flavor is blue I think:

Random Michelle K said...

Oooh! A color guide!

Janiece said...

Michelle, I'm pretty sure the Military Industrial Complex would narrow their eyes if I tried such a thing.

Karl said...

Oh, man...


An M60A3!
My first ride after high school.

And the bob looks great!
Color away - let 'em squint. :-D

Carol Elaine said...

Very cute!

I've considered getting the same cut, though a little bit longer in the back. But then I'd have to style it every day and I'm just too lazy for that. It's enough that I've recently started wearing makeup again on most days that I go into work.