Just Another Manic Monday
Crap on a cracker, I am
busy. My fabulous team members in the Military Industrial Complex were holding the wolves at bay while I've been dealing with my Hot Mom's issues, but things are heating up, and I have a laundry list of tasks that need to be completed before the end of February in addition to my Vestibule of Hell travel schedule. The problem, of course, is that many of these tasks require the input of others, and trying to get that input in a timely manner is proving...challenging. Normally I'd just grab a bigger stick, but I'm still a bit unsure of the politics of the situation, and a more measured approach appears to be the prudent course. And as we all know, the measured approach is not really my strong suit.
Where Angels Fear to Tread
I have another certification exam at the end of this week. I hate those damn things with the heat of a thousand burning suns. And I've lost every bit of self-confidence I've ever had when it comes to standardized testing as a result of my last debacle, which means there's dread in my heart. I hate it when there's dread in my heart. It harshes my mellow, and I'm in serious need of mellow right now.
Getting Better
For those of you who sent me notes asking about my Hot Mom, I'm pleased to report that she's in a rehab facility (the good one, not the one that made me cry), and is showing improvement every day. She, of course, feels that she should have been able to LEAP FROM THE OPERATING TABLE POST SURGERY AND RESUME HER DAILY ACTIVITIES, but back surgery does, in fact, require a long period of rehabilitation. So she'll just have to suck it up like the rest of us and submit to her doctor's restrictions for the next several months. Stubborn old broad.
I've been Vaguebooking quite a lot lately, mostly because people are pissing me off and I've decided confronting them directly is not appropriate at this time. So of course the best course of action is to indulge in passive-aggressive snottiness on social media! Actually it really doesn't matter, because the people who are pissing me off aren't friends with me on Facebook, and I doubt they'd come here, either. So mostly it's just a venting exercise:
The fact that I think I'm better than you has absolutely nothing to do with how much money you have, even though I know you'd like to think so.
Note to self: Wishing ill on others is not the right thing to do. It doesn't matter if they deserve it, or if Karma's on vacation. NOT. THE. RIGHT. THING. TO. DO. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Because I believe strongly in self-determination, people have every right to spend their time and resources as they see fit. The flip side of that, of course, is that I have every right to choose how I will react to those choices.
As always, the people who might benefit from taking such things personally are not, in fact, the ones that will do so. Such is social media.
Another Hairdo
So I've been bored with my hair for some time, and I finally lost my patience on Saturday and went and got 11 inches cut off the back in an A-Line bob. There will be no photos until I can figure out how to style it to my satisfaction in both the "curly" and "straight" configurations, but so far I think I like it. Given my current state of mind, I think I should just be grateful I didn't shave it all off in a fit of pique. I think I need a vacation. Or a hug. Or both.
Your hair is such a gorgeous color--were you able to donate it anywhere?
Personally, I can't stand my hair if it gets to my shoulders. Too long, too heavy, too annoying. :)
(((hugs))) then alcohol later...
Michelle, over 50% grey isn't accepted for donations. Unfortunately.
*HUG* All the way from SoMD! And another *HUG* for good measure. xo
That seems silly--it's not like people with grey hair don't need wigs!
Especially since your hair color is so gorgeous.
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