My shippie Jim Wright discusses the resolution of the George Zimmerman trial, and how our society has lost sight of the key outcome in this case - that a 17-year-old kid is dead.
Freeze-dried Fruit Cup and Professional Scary Former Congressman Allen West leaves us with this little gem as it relates to being a black man in America: “I am a black male who grew up in the inner city of Atlanta and no one ever followed me in a mall. I don’t recall any doors clicking when I crossed the street. And I never had anyone clutching their handbag when I got on an elevator. I guess having two awesome parents who taught me to be a respectful young man paid dividends.” Sigh. Mr. West has yet to meet a logical fallacy he has not embraced wholeheartedly and with vigor in support of the whacky. What a tool. H/T Skepchick.
So it turns out the Polar Ice Cap formally known as the North Pole can now be referred to as "Lake North Pole." But please, climate change deniers, just keep sticking your fingers in your ears and singing "lalala." Because nothing says "mature, reasoned discourse" like blatantly denying verifiable facts in service to your economically driven delusions. H/T everyone.
In spite of my stabby list of things about middle age that blow big chunks, there's a lot to be said for this time of life. It's affording me a freedom that I seldom experienced in my physical prime, and is detailed exquisitely in this essay about Life After 50. The money quote: "What are you doing these days 'for the sheer joy of it?' I hope a lot." H/T Sista Stacey.
The Incomparable Carolyn has pointed me to an incredible Etsy shop called Megan Lee Studio. She makes science and education based art, and I could spend some serious-ass money up in there, in addition to lining her pocket in the service of performing random acts of kindness. Here's my first purchase, hopefully the first of many, destined for the wall of my office space.
She had me at "Hopper."
Jef with One F is thinking about how to talk about sex with his daughter as a parent living in Texas. He did some research into the Purity Movement as part of his preparation, which makes this the money quote: "I'm a dad, and I am perfectly aware that the sexual health of this
child is going to be part of my job. I'm not looking forward to it, to
tell the truth, but if the alternative is fetishizing chastity while
giving Oedipus a handie then by God I'm going in full guns blazing." A courageous dad, and a lucky daughter. H/T Skepchick.
I don't think that is the Admiral, which was my thought when I first saw that design.
Just an FYI, that bit about the North Pole is a bit misleading.
1) The sensors have shifted (this is typical behavior) and aren't located at the precise North Pole
2) The water is actually sitting on top of the ice sheet
3) Ice melt is actually common in the summer
This is not to say that climate change is not happening, just that that particular story is misleading and may do more harm than good when presented as proof of global climate change, since it IS misleading and gives fodder to the change deniers.
Plus, the actual science--without the slight-of-hand--is pretty interesting. I'll try and find the article I read. (I'm not supposed to be web surfing right, so I'm limited in looking things up.)
This isn't the specific article, but useful.
Also not the specific article I read, but go here and click on the buoy drift map:
Warner, that is the Admiral. She was born in 1906, and the butterfly indicates her coining of the term "bug."
OK, the date on the one I was saw was in the 1800s, on the other hand I could have mis-read it as my eyes are not good. (that looks like 1806 until I blow the image up).
Thanks, always admired her, if not the language itself.
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