A Month of Gratitude, Day 3 - The Incomparable Anne™

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
I have a friend. I met her on the Internet, and when it turned out that we lived in the same city, we decided to meet for lunch one day in January 2008.

Since then, we've become close friends, making an effort to see each other on a regular basis. We've met one another's families, and because she has a reputation as a "gateway friend," she's introduced me to some really stellar people.

One of the things I love about Anne is that we share a very specific personality trait: We're both introspective navel-gazers. Exploring our own minds in the name of self-knowledge and self-improvement is an activity on which we've both spent a considerable amount of time and energy. This work - and it is work - requires a certain amount of intellectual rigor, and a dedication to self honesty. Anne has both those things, and one of the things I've learned from her is the ability to be assertive in communicating what I want from specific situations or activities. Shuffling off the societal expectation for women to take what's given with no complaint is an important aspect of growth for me, and Anne has been one of my role models in this area.

Today I'm grateful to have a friend like Anne in my life - someone who challenges me, who shares my intellectual life with me, who's always willing to spend some time gazing into our navels.


Anne C. said...

Aww... [blush blush]

I really am a bit speechless, Janiece. I have such respect and appreciation for your honesty and intellectual rigor that it's a real and unexpected compliment to be praised for the same.

Being friends with you (and my other, really wonderful friends who I have had the honor of introducing you to each other) has been the real foundation of who I have become over this second phase of my life. Thank you for that.

I am proud and honored to be your friend. (And though it's not a direct quote, I feel like putting my hand up to the glass in a "live long and prosper" gesture. ;)

All my love, my friend.

Tania said...

Anne, Anne she's not a man!

(she's actually damned awesome, and we loves her, and you, Janiece)

mom in northern said...

Besides the navels....don't for get the adult beverages.
Hugs for you both.

Carol Elaine said...

Yep. What Janiece and Tania said, my dear Anne.

You are simply incomparable, fellow Runner #5. :)

Anne C. said...

Thank you for your kind words, ladies. <3