Hey look! It's Link Me Up Wednesday, two days late and a video short!
It turns out that Amazon has a new program whereby they will donate .05% of your eligible purchases to the charity of your choice. .05% seems like a small amount, but when you consider the amount of money that makes its way through Amazon's coffers in a year, this is not an inconsiderable commitment. I chose the Parker Task Force for Human Services, and you can choose your own charity at Amazon Smiles.
I love being American, but sometimes the narcissism of our political system makes my teeth hurt. All this sword rattling and carrying on as it relates to the tension in Ukraine is the current case in point. Because really -it's not about us.
But I could be living in North Korea, which I'd dislike, because I would look terrible in this haircut. That place resembles nothing so much as some sort of satiric depiction of what a despot should be. "I'll buy that for a dollar!"
Geologist, writer and all-around good egg Rachael Acks weighs in on why Hobby Lobby and its ilk need a big ole dose of the NUNYA. And probably a punch in the eye. That, too.
A poignant essay by a mother who's living on the edge, and how public shaming of the poor is a societal failure of compassion and morality.
You mean autism isn't caused by vaccination? Whaaa?
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