It's that time of year! Time for the Fourth Annual Maureen "AJ" Ramey Memorial Summer Reading Program, brought to you by Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men!
Each year, Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men sponsors a summer reading program. This year, I'm changing the name to honor by beloved Moe, whom we lost last summer to suicide. The one consistant thing in my daughter's life was her undying affection for the written word. So this year (and every year hereafter), we'll read in her memory, and raise a book to honor her devotion to reading. I'm quite sure my Auntie (for whom we used to read) would understand and support my choice.
Moe came by her love honestly, as I LOVE reading. I read on my Kindle, on my iPad, on the Internet. I listen to Audiobooks whenever it's not practical to read words in a row. I'd read while I was sleeping if I could stay conscious. So once again, I'm sponsoring this reading program to benefit the Douglas County Library through the Douglas County Library Foundation,* in Moe-Moe's name. Last year my amazing local library accrued $250.00 due to our efforts, and this year I'm hoping for even better results.
Here's da rules:
- The contest will run from June 21st (Today! The summer solstice! Yay!) to September 2nd (the first working day after Labor Day. Boo.).
- When you finish a new book, post a comment in the blog page devoted to the program, which you can find here. Please do not leave your comments on this entry, as they will NOT be counted. Leave your comment there (there's also a link at the top of the page) with the title and author of the book. One comment, one book. PLEASE do not post general comments on the program page. If you do, I'm going to delete them, because it hoses up my book count and I'm too lazy to create a database for the purposes of this contest. Sorry folks - that's how I roll.
- Audiobooks count. eBooks count. ANY book counts, although this year I'm going to exclude children's books read to youngsters. Last year it juked the stats, and while I strongly support reading to young people as a way of instilling life-time learning, there are other reading contests out there that specialize in this area. Please note that YA books read to youngsters still count. So, picture books: No. Chapter books: Yes.
- For each book that is read and registered in the comments by me and my readers, I will donate $1 to the Douglas County Library Foundation, up to $300.00 (note the increase from last year!).
- When the contest ends, I will use a random number generator to find THE WINNERS. THE WINNERS will each get $25.00 gift certificates to Amazon, so that you might buy more books. Each unique comment (one comment, one book) will be an entry for the gift certificate, so the more you read, the better chance you have to win.
- If the number of comments exceeds 300 (the ceiling on the donation), the subsequent comments will still be considered for the gift certificate.
ETA: The Incomparable Anne has volunteered to fund a stretch goal! If we read over 300 books this year, she'll put in a dollar for any subsequent book, up to $50.00! Better get cracking, readers!
ETA: Moe-Moe's Grandma has also volunteered to fund a stretch goal, bringing our total available donation to $400.00. SSSSTRRREEEEETTTTCCHHH!
Don't be stingy with your reading, folks. There are lots of summer reading programs out there, and if you'd like me to include a link to yours, send me a note.
*Full Disclosure: I am a member of the Douglas County Library Board of Trustees, and I also Chair the Douglas County Library Foundation Subcommittee. So unlike in years past, when these organizations had no idea who I was, I'm now deeply involved with the beneficiary of my largesse. However, this reading program (and the subsequent donation) are a private endeavor on my part, and have no connection to my volunteer work on behalf of the Library and its Foundation. I just loved them so much that in addition to my money, they're also now getting my time...also in memory of my Moe.
Good idea...Moe would be the first to post.
Honored to participate again.
If you get over 300 books, I'll cover the $1/book donation up to $50, making the maximum donation $350. Call it a stretch goal. ;)
Skin Game, by Jim Butcher
Laura, you need to leave your book selections on the page specified in the post. You can find the page at here
Thanks, Anne. You're the best.
Ad my $50 to Anne's and make it an even $400.
Thanks, Mom. <3
Too Much Money, by Dominick Dunne. Because sometimes you need a lot of high society name dropping and wealthy people gossip.
Sorry, found the correct page!
Oh. It's summer already? How did THAT happen?
I should really get my ass in gear and run a reading contest this summer, even if only for fun.
I finished every thing Joe Abercrombie (The First Law trilogy, 'Best Served Cold', 'Heroes', if I remember the titles correctly) had at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. I usually avoid fantasy unless it's really good. Joe is better than that.
Hey John, thanks for the recommendations. The Smart Man is a fan of Ambercrombie, as well.
Note: If you want credit for those reads, you have to enter them individually on the program page. See top for link.
If I should win anything, please give the certificate to the library, thank you.
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