A fascinating article about Gaslighting and how to recognize if you're a victim. Having been victimized by this exact form of emotional abuse by someone I trusted, I can affirm that it is a form of mental abuse, and a particularly nasty one, at that.
White people avoid taking responsibility for institutional racism. I especially like the phrase "white fragility." Like most white Americans, I have a long way to go in this area.
A fabulous comic about how rape culture has skewed society's view of "consent."
The Big Picture provides photos of celebrations of marriage equality on Friday. THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY EYE.
My friend and shippie Jim Wright makes a pragmatic and sensible suggestion on legislation designed to reduce gun violence as a matter of culture in the U.S. I spent too long in the Armed Forces not to support the 2nd Amendment, but I am TOTALLY DOWN with the level of accountability Jim proposes. Put your money where your mouth is, gun enthusiasts, or shut the hell up about gun control.
Because what could be cooler than Vladamir Putin as every member of the Village People? Nothing. That's what.
Brother Seth provides thoughtful commentary on the Obergefell v Hodges decision. Having friends with a wide variety of expertise makes me furiously happy.
Video of the Day: Roxane Gay talks about being a "bad feminist" with humor and grace.
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