The Summer Solstice approaches - and we all know what THAT means

Monday, June 15, 2015

Moe cosplaying "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast
It means it's almost time for the Fifth Annual Maureen "AJ" Ramey Memorial Summer Reading Program, brought to you by Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men! 

Each year, Hot Chicks Dig Smart Men sponsors a summer reading program. Since her death in 2013, I've sponsored the program in honor of my beloved late daughter Moe. The one consistent thing in my daughter's life was her undying affection for the written word. So we'll read in her memory, and raise a book to honor her devotion to reading.

Moe came by her love honestly, as I LOVE reading. I read on my Kindle, on my iPad, on the Internet. I listen to Audiobooks whenever it's not practical to read words in a row. I'd read while I was sleeping if I could stay conscious. So once again, I'm sponsoring this reading program to benefit the 
Douglas County Library through the Douglas County Library Foundation,* in Moe-Moe's name. The proceeds from last year and this year will be combined to sponsor a bench or other honorarium at Parker's new library, currently under construction. 

The collection point is the page linked at the top of the blog entitled "Hot Chicks and Smart Men Read." Once the contest starts, I will open up the page for comments. Please leave your entries THERE and not HERE. 

Here's da rules:
  1. The contest will run from June 21th (the summer solstice! Yay!) to September 8th (the first working day after Labor Day. Boo.).
  2. When you finish a new book, post a comment on the "Hot Chicks and Smart Mean Read" page located at the top of the page with the title and author of the book. One comment, one book. PLEASE do not post entries on this page. If you do, I'm going to have to move them myself, and I know you don't want to create busy work for me.
  3. Audiobooks count. eBooks count. ANY book counts, with the exception of picture books. If you are reading a chapter book to a youngster, by all means, enter it, but picture books juke the stats.
  4. For each book that is read and registered in the comments by me and my readers, I will donate $1 to the Douglas County Library Foundation, up to $300.00.
  5. When the contest ends, I will use a random number generator to find THE WINNERS. THE WINNERS will each get $25.00 gift certificates to Amazon, so that you might buy more books. Each unique comment (one comment, one book) will be an entry for the gift certificate, so the more you read, the better chance you have to win.
  6. If the number of comments exceeds 300 (the ceiling on the donation), the subsequent comments will still be considered for the gift certificate.  

Do you want me to include a link to your summer reading program? Send me a note!

*Full Disclosure: I am the Secretary of the Douglas County Library Board of Trustees, and I am also President of the Douglas County Libraries Foundation. So unlike in years past, when these organizations had no idea who I was, I'm now deeply involved with the beneficiary of my largesse. However, this reading program (and the subsequent donation) are a private endeavor on my part, and have no connection to my volunteer work on behalf of the Library and its Foundation. I just loved them so much that in addition to my money, they're also now getting my time...also in memory of my Moe.


Anne C. said...

I want to do a stretch goal incentive again this year. Fifty entries past the 300 mark will each be covered by a dollar from me, making the maximum donation $350. :D

(Janiece, please tell me I gave you money for last year's fundraiser. If not, I'll pay it now. I think you went over 300, right?)

Janiece said...

We did, and you did. Thanks for contributing again this year!

Anne C. said...

Whew and glad to! <3

neurondoc said...

I also love reading and am happy to support local libraries. Instead of covering books past #350 (Janiece + Anne), I'm going to double down for the first 50 books. IOW, I will also contribute $1 each for the first 50 books submitted, unless Janiece wants me to cover books 351-400.

I think next year I'm going to look for a public library in need and do the same thing. My local library is doing well...

Janiece said...

Thanks, NeuronDoc. I think we'll double down on the first 50 books to get us a quick start!

achang said...
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