Link Me Up, Scotty - Constitution and Bigotry Edition

Monday, August 31, 2015
A thoughtful essay on looking at the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution from a liberal point of view. While this article did not change my fundamental belief that the fetishization of firearms does not lead to a healthy society, it does help to articulate why I support the 2nd Amendment as a matter of principle.

H/T Hot Mom

A practical guide to what to say and do when a loved one is experiencing intense grief. I cannot recommend this article enough.

H/T Sister Stacey

A fascinating essay on the topic of "Polite White Supremacy (PWS)." There is so much more to racism in America than I knew (says the pasty white girl, unsurprisingly).

As Big Box stores go, Target is my favorite. Here's one reason why.

What do you do when you want to secede from the Union and no shows up? Slink off in the rain, apparently.

H/T Shipmate Jim

Why hasn't this dipshit lost her job? No, really - if I refused to perform a necessary and legal task that was a cornerstone of my occupation, I would expect to be ditched lickity split. Oh, wait - this must be more of that "Christian persecution" I keep hearing so much about.


Video of the Week: Librarians cover "Uptown Funk" with some literary references.

H/T Sister Kathy


Anne C. said...

Love that parody!

vince said...

As a Christian, I'm really sick of hearing about the "war on Christians."