Atheists weigh in on the "meaning of life." Yes.
H/T Brother Eric
An open letter from a mom to two teen girls she met at the pool. Sometimes I backslide and tell those pesky kids to get off my lawn, and then I read something like this.
H/T Brother Seth
A word on women's shoes. Preach it, sister.
H/T Debbie the Librarian
Why "Douchebag" is the perfect racial slur for whites. I love that insult, and apply it liberally already (although I usually modify it to "douchecanoe."). I like this definition better.
H/T Sister Megan
My quasi-celebrity platonic boyfriend Eric Gardener is at it again, this time with a new way to look at racism and its systemic effect on our society. I totally live within a racist system, and am the beneficiary of unearned privilege as a result. Am I sometimes a butthole about it? Almost certainly. Do I strive to do better every day and improve the system? You bet.
Popehat is right on the money when it comes to the free pass given to law enforcement in this country. No one should be above scrutiny, I don't care how "noble" you think you are.
24 Tattoos that symbolize people's struggle with mental illness. I'm considering another tattoo myself along these lines, but haven't made any decisions.
Video of the Week: Young Bailey Matthews finishes his first Triathlon. He's eight years old, and he has Cerebral Palsy.
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