Zen Pencils with a quote from RFK on the Mindless Menace of Violence.
What is means to be young, talented, and black. A pictorial essay of Hillside High School’s award-winning marching band.
A conversation between a father and son on what it means to look at a woman, and the responsibilities of being a man. The money quote:
There are two views regarding a woman’s dress code that you will be pressured to buy into. One view will say that women need to dress to get the attention of men. The other view will say women need to dress to protect men from themselves. Son, you are better than both of these. A woman, or any human being, should not have to dress to get your attention. You should give them the full attention they deserve simply because they are a fellow human being. On the other side, a woman should not have to feel like she needs to protect you from you. You need to be in control of you.H/T Brother Steve
Shipmate and friend Jim Wright describes the job interview process he wishes were in place for Presidential candidates and why the GOP debates are basically semantically null shitstorms. ________
Video of my Heart: The U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard and Drill Team perform in Oslo, Norway in 2009, taking first place in the Tattoo competition. Those are my Shippies, right there.
H/T Dottie
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