Kenyan Muslims protect Christians during a terrorist attack. Because when they're willing to kill your brother, it's only a matter of time until they come for you.
H/T Brother Seth
28 pictures that prove that 2015 wasn't a completely terrible year. 22 is my favorite, as the young man was having trouble with his tie until the woman directed her husband to help him. For some reason, this warms the cockles of my black, black heart.
A woman with three children had her husband, a tattoo artist, depict their kids in her tattoos over ten years ago. All of them have needed touching up over the years, but when their daughter made the decision to transition to his male self, Dad took up the needle once again. I love this so much.
Random shopper mistaken for Santa, jumps in with both feet. Because he's AWESOME.
Christmas photos to warm the cockles of your black, black heart.
If you're financially literate, then do your friends and family a favor and share your knowledge.
Video of my Heart: The Christmas Story as told by children. My favorite part: "We have nothing to WEAR."
These were very nice links. I appreciated you sharing them. I posted the 28 Pictures on my Facebook. Thank you!
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