Popehat author Ken White explains why he stands for the national anthem, and also why he supports those who don't. It's like the dude lives inside my head sometimes.
I love this drawing about what to do if you see a Muslim being harassed and you want to help. I myself am much more inclined to punch the harasser in the throat, so this advice is welcome to me.
This amazing mortician willingly takes on clients no one else will touch - AIDS patients, the Boston Marathon bomber, homeless people with no families - and provides burial services. Because, as he says, "We bury the dead. It's what we do." An amazing person, with a true vocation.
A photographer captures homeless men and women as they dream to be seen. This project breaks my heart.
Native Americans are photographed in the places that mean the most to them.
The Wildlife Photographer of the Year short list is out. Yowsa! I love the shot of the Orca.
Garrison Keillor on why the Trumpsicle will have nothing he wants once this election is done.
6 myths about suicide that every teacher and parent should know. This also breaks my heart.
My shippie Jim Wright speaks on the duty of veterans to defend the Constitution of the United States, and how doing so means we must defend Colin Kaepernick's right to sit during the national anthem. Just so. I took that oath not once, but several times, and each time I did so in support of the ideals enshrined in our Constitution; not to an individual, not to "America," not to our government. You cannot claim to love our Constitution and then simultaneously call for punishment if someone legally exercises their First Amendment rights but says something you disagree with. That's called hypocrisy.
Sexist questions put to female interviewees, and their AMAZING RESPONSES, proving that Dame Helen Mirren isn't just a badass in her 70's, that shit goes back 40 years or more. My hero.
28 Reasons I’m DONE Talking To Most Of My Conservative Friends And Family Members. Not entirely on the money (I'm not Christian), but there are enough on-point comments that this piece speaks to me on a fundamental level.
When people eat other people, strange diseases pop up. This is a variation of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, a devastating brain disorder that is invariably fatal. This terrible disease has touched our adopted family, so to me, this isn't just an episode of the X-Files.
Video of my Heart: Steve Connell's poem "We are the Lions," recited by the author.
Thank you for posting about Kuru. Although it's not mentioned in the article, the National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center at Case Western is the actual entity that tracks Chronic Wasting Disease as well as, among other things, provides free testing and autopsies to families that have suspected Kuru, CJD, FFI (my family's particular mutation) and GSS. Without these vital services, the populace at large is at risk as no one else tracks - hence the Surveillance - except for them. They receive funding from the CDC - paltry though it is - so that's part of why I perform advocacy in DC every year.
This article - http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/a-prion-love-story - talks about my friends Eric And Sonia and their amazing story.
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